Monday, September 8, 2008

A big step forward

For those not too keen on baby-centric posts, you may want to check back later.

In addition to the WONDERFUL change in weather starting today (woo hoo!), we are experiencing another cool phenomenon in our house. E has finally started breastfeeding. After weeks of trying (and mostly failing), E finally took a turn in the right direction. It's like he woke up yesterday and just got it. Amazing! At a family birthday party yesterday (in private of course), he did an entire feeding from me with no bottle supplement. If you don't have experience with babies or have had a newborn who took to the breast soon after delivery, this is a *very* big deal. It's extremely frustrating to keep trying to get E to latch and stay on and continually watch him be unable to do so and get very very upset. I started to feel like he was never going to get it and that we had missed our opportunity to get him on the boob. It's also exhausting doing the "triple feed" (breast attempt, bottle feed, pump for the next feed) 7-9 times a day. Seriously.

For the past two days, E has been so cooperative and is doing so great! I'm so thrilled and feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. Now I can leave the house with a bit more freedom and not have to be so concerned about how long we are gone.

Another interesting factoid: This Friday marks the day E was supposed to be due. Wierd! I cant believe he's been in our lives (outside the womb) for 5 weeks now, soon to be 6. Wow.

The other good news? I'll officially be 6 weeks soon and can officially start working out. But I must admit I've not stuck to the doc's advice. I have been walking 3-ish miles per day (as many days per week as I can) and have started integrated a slow jog into the mileage. This week I'm going to try spin and maybe yoga in addition to my run/walks. So I'm not exactly sticking to the plan. But next week I'm starting my whole new workout regime and am totally looking forward to it! (and hoping to see some results). woo hoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

