Monday, September 29, 2008

September round up

Clearly keeping my blog updated has fallen by the wayside :-) But with baby on board, I must say, it's one of those things that doesn't even make the to-do list anymore. In fact feeding the cats is now one of the things that I have to remind myself to do, save the times when the poor kitties meow and lead me to the kitchen where they sit patiently in front of their food bowl. Aww.

Life with E is good! We are definitely getting into a rhythm of feed, sleep, change and change again. I'm now able to work out with more consistency, with the great support of M who doesn't go to the gym so I can. I'm constantly amazed at what a wonderful Dad M is. I mean, I knew he'd be great, but I had no idea he'd be so intuitive and tuned-in to E. He's probably more tuned-in than I am in many ways. While I can tell when E is on the verge of spitting up or about to come off his latch, he has an uncanny sense of when E is still hungry (despite eating an insane amount of food and seeming to be sleepy). He knows exactly what will comfort E most of the time (there is always the time when E is inconsolable). He's just an amazing Dad. I love it, it's so sweet to witness.

Another positive effect E has had on our family is my relationship with my parents. We have seen them every single weekend for the past 4 weeks and will see them this weekend and then be spending a week in Hawaii with my mom. Amazingly we have all gotten along perfectly. They are turning out to be the perfect grandparents (so far). They come down and help with the mundane house stuff (laundry, dishes, running errands, bringing us food) so we can take care of E. They also love to take care of E whether it's feedings, preparing bottles, holding and comforting, changing diapers--they (mostly my mom to be accurate) do it all. They dont crowd us, they encourage us to leave the house so we can do stuff for ourselves and they do it all with no consequence. It's the most amazing transformation I've ever witnessed. I wouldn't even believe it if I wasn't living it!

On the calendar for October? M and I are going to Big Crush again this year, yeah! We are heading up the moment it opens this year to hopefully avoid the frat boys and girls who came and acted all crazy in the afternoon. And our babysitters? My parents of course. In fact my mom asked me if we wanted to go to Big Crush this year and they would babysit. They offered it before I even thought about asking them!

Then we are leaving for Oahu for a week with my Mom for a good friend's wedding. Granted, the wedding is over the weekend, but we are taking full advantage of the airline downtime (Oct and early Nov are slow for the airlines, so M got a whole week off no problem) and my maternity leave to enjoy a week away. Yay!

I do hope I can keep the blog more up to date... but of course if you're on phanfare, you can always see what we're up to there.


1 comment:

Arvay said...

You sound like the most blissful new mom ever! I am so happy for you!