Saturday, April 19, 2008

My first real complaint

Holy backpain Batman! Last night I experienced the most excruciating and debilitating back pain evar. Seriously. I don't really know why or what happened, the books just say 'backpain happens.' But I did some household chores yesterday that might have aggravated it. I dunno. All I know is that last night as M and I were laying down to watch a movie, each time I coughed, my back would spasm and send shooting pains throughout my lower back.

It was then I thought, "god, I don't know how anyone could go at this alone." M got me a heating pad and helped me roll over so I could apply it, got me something to wash down the Tylenol, etc etc. I was helpless.

So, I am officially logging my first real complaint--back pain in pregnancy SUCKS. I just hope to GAWD that I don't experience back labor, which I've heard is way worse than regular labor pains.

I am doing much better today but decided to forego my Saturday morning weight training class. Seeing as how I was having trouble standing up to get to the toilet last night, it didn't seem like a good idea.

Happy Saturday!

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