Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I love Fall . . . so where are you Fall? And of course, life with baby E

Even though the weather here is trying to trick us into believing it's not Fall yet, I am hoping it will catch up with my mentality soon. I am DONE with summer, done with being hot and sweaty inside my house. Done watching my poor infant son sweat his tiny balls off in a diaper and no clothes. Done trying to escape the heat. Even my tomato and zuccini plants realize that summer is close coming to an end. We haven't had a zuccini on the vine in a few weeks. Maybe even a month. And after our last crop of tomatoes, those too are dwindling. So, come on weather! Change already!

One of the reasons I love Fall-- college football season. That's the first indicator of Fall for me. Yay Bears!! I remain cautiously optimistic after last season's disappointing end. But I have renewed hope and a new little bear to share the fun with, yay!

I am also looking forward to soup season. While I love barbequeing, with E, we barely have time to get the grill up and running in between feedings. Whereas with soups, I can make them on my feeding breaks and we can enjoy them for at least 2-3 days with no effort. Perfect!

As for an E update: He is doing wonderfully! Although he had a VERY VERY VERY difficult Sunday (he was circumcised, a decision I still regret and probably always will). He didn't exactly love getting his Hep-B shot on Tuesday morning either. But it paled in comparison to the excruciating pain he (and therefore I) experienced on Sunday.

E has gained over 2 lbs since birth, he's now 6 lbs 14.5 oz (almost 7 lbs!) As my Dad says, now he can hold him without fearing he'll "break" him :-) We are finally getting into a more comfortable routine too. Now, when M goes on overnights, I don't freak and worry how I'll get through the next 24 hours on my own. Sure, I get less sleep because I'm doing every feeding. But I can manage that and even throw in a couple other things--the grocery store, our walk on the Bayshore Trail, a doctor's appointment, errands in downtown.

See, when you have a newborn, your life becomes all about the "chunks." By that I mean the 3-hour chunks from the start of one feeding to the start of another. After he actually finishes eating, burping and goes down for the count, I'm really left with 2 hours with which to accomplish a "thing." This thing is typically: sleep, eat or do something outside the house that can be accomplished in 1 hour or less.

Right now, I'm eating my breakfast (12noon is my first meal of the day if I choose to nap after the morning feeding) and blogging. If I'm lucky I'll get to that next load of laundry and tidy up the house, maybe even do some online banking before the next feeding in an hour. After the next feeding I'm hoping to get to TJ's and get a nap in. We'll see about that one. After the late afternoon feeding, M will be home and I'm going to race to the gym for the first time since my water broke. (i hope!!) And so on.

Such is life with a newborn. It's amazing how many things I once thought were "must do's" fall to the wayside now that my life is all about the chunks. It really does re-adjust your perspective :-)

Happy short week to everyone who's working!

Here are some recent shots from E's first trip to the beach last weekend:
My future's so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Enjoying the sunset with Dad


The Enforcer said...

"Done watching my poor infant son sweat his tiny balls off in a diaper and no clothes."

Hey now, I hate the heat as much as the next guy, but I totally could have lived without that one! LOL

Arvay said...

Awwww he's so cuuuuute!