Tuesday, November 27, 2007

7 Things

I'm it, thanks to Arvay. I was almost going to be offended if this baby didnt make it my way, although now I'm completely drawing a blank as to 7 whole things you all dont know about me.

[1] I'm not one to hold down a steady job... at least not in my adult life. My longest job ever? 3 years. Job title? Paper delivery girl. I'm going for a new record now... so far I'm 1.5 years in.

[2] It's no secret that I love my animals. I love 'em cute, furry, lovable, huggable, and I talk to them in a ridiculous baby voice most of them time. And our cats love sleeping... on top of my sweatshirts, on top of each other, on my office chair and in our bed. I let 'em. Not just on top of the covers. Nope. Our boy cat, Guinness, loves to sleep under the nook of your legs inside the sheets. And he purrs so loud you can hear it over the TV. How can you deny one such pleasure?

[3] I LOVE lotion. Can't get enough of the stuff. If you come to my house, you will see a bottle of lotion (at least one) in every single room in the house. I hate dry hands, therefore I love lotion. I just spent $100 bucks at L'Occitane on lotion. No joke.

[4] In keeping with the moisturizing spirit, I also love Chapstick. I once forgot Chapstick (cherry or strawberry mainly) when I was walking out the door for work and stopped to decide if I was going to (a) go back in and grab one and risk being late or (b) try to find a Walgreen's on the way somewhere to buy some. I cannot go a day without Chapstick or lotion.

[5] After reading
Arvay's post, I am reminded of how much I love our animals, every one we've ever had as part of our family. And some that weren't. In fact, to this day, I can't drive by the spot near my family home where, for the first and last time, I accidentally ran over a squirrel, and not be sad or sorry for what I did. I literally screamed and then cried after it happened. He just came out of nowhere! And then, another time near our old house in Bgame, I witnessed a careless driver run over another squirrel right in front of me and keep going. I literally stopped my car in the middle of the street because I saw him still moving, got out, sat on the ground there with him while he died. I was BAWLING. The woman in the car behind me had to console me. I was a WRECK. Then she helped me move him, respectfully, underneath a tree in front of the house he was killed. My only consolation was that I hoped his little squirrel family would be able to come see him.
I am so pathetic. I know.

[6] Until about my second year of college, I didn't understand the game of football. An old boyfriend in junior high was a football player and tried to explain the game to me for hours one day. I still never got it. Actually, until about my third year in college I still had to ask my friends, who I'd go to the games with, what each play was, why a flag was thrown, what the hell did the ref say, why are they switching sides, etc. Again, so sad ;-)

[7] I would not hate being a celebrity. SO shallow, I know. But seriously, free schwag all the time, designers throwing gorgeous bags, clothes, and shoes at you constantly, travelling to the best places on earth (with no hassle, no fuss and royal treatment to boot), having a great house to entertain all our friends in (it wouldnt matter where it was because there would be plenty of guest rooms for them to crash in), no worries about retirement money, etc.
I know, I know... I'd have to give up my privacy. I'm sure it's worth a lot more than I know... but the grass is always greener. M says I'm completely nutz. I agree, but the arguments are good man, they are!

Ok. Wow. I did it. I can't believe I actually came up with 7 things you *may* not know about me (except BT perhaps) and I didn't have to totally devulge my shady past. :-)

I don't have anyone to tag! Suggestions?


Arvay said...

"I am so pathetic. I know."

Oh don't you dare say that! I do the same thing. I sort of let slip yesterday that I still have all of my late pet rats' cremains, and my classmates all laughed at me. Ha! What do they know? :D

The Enforcer said...

I'd say that you should tag Miss E., but it seems that she's not so into updating her blog these days...

I LOVED your squirrel story. I have to say that I laughed a little, only because I know you so well and I could actually see you sitting on the ground while I read the story. Very cute...

Anonymous said...

touche. i am totally predictable. :-)