Friday, May 16, 2008

My car tells me it's hotter than f**k right now!

Given that the INSANE HEAT is all anyone can talk about these days, I might as well post about it too. Holy effin fugnut it's hot here. And today it was a tad cooler than yesterday. Now, my car is black inside and out, so there's that to consider... but when I left the underground parking garage at 1pm today it registered 91 degrees in Palo Alto (after sitting underground in the coolness for 2 hours). By the time I got to Firm B 10 minutes later, it registered 100 degrees.

Honestly, I'd rather see the little snowflake my car bleeps when it hits 32 degrees and hear the friendly little "frost warning" ding-dong than see triple digits like this. Mainly because I know that back at our house it will, undoubtedly, be hotter inside our house that it is outside. Our house is a little greenhouse that cooks all day and becomes unbearable around 6pm when temps are starting to make their way down. And because we don't own this house, all the windows suck and have to be propped up with items 'round the house (like shoeboxes, plastic things, etc) because they don't stay up on their own OR (even better), they don't open at all.

I feel the worst for our cats. On days like these I wish I could shave the poor creatures so they'd be relieved.

Thank god M installed the window-unit AC in the office. At least we all have one teeny tiny little room we can gather in for relief when the house becomes an oven.

Seriously. It's 95 degrees INSIDE OUR HOUSE right now. What the F?!

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