Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, new and experienced

Today I am celebrating my first mother's day. And yet it started off like every other day--waking to the sound of my son thumping his feet loudly against the mattress of his crib, eagerly awaiting the arrival of mommy or daddy to start his day. The smile on that kid's face when we change that first morning diaper is like he's celebrating every single day, which only reminds me even more that I am lucky and blessed to have him in my life and a husband who adores us both more than anything in the world.

It also gives me pause to think about how different my mornings are now from just one year ago. One year ago I was pregnant (of course) and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our little boy. But I was also sleeping in, reading the Sunday Times, gently rubbing my belly thinking about how different our lives will be in a few months, etc. Never did I imagine how correct that assumption would be!

It's funny how the cliches are true:
  • Motherhood is the best and most challenging job one may ever have--check!

  • Despite all the hard times raising a human being from scratch, I'd never go back to my life without him--check!

And on.

Don't get me wrong--do I miss sleeping in? yup. Do I miss working out without watching the clock and thinking I should get back home? yup. Did I read BT's blog entry about her uber relaxing vacay in Anguilla and think "holy shit that sounds awesome..." but also "those kinds of vacay are a long way off for us"--yup.

But look at this face--i mean, come on!


Anonymous said...

So glad you're back! Your blog is one I haven't crossed off the bookmark for inactivity, because I wanted to see how things were going. I almost commented on Biting Tongue to see if you were well, so I'm glad to see you and the little one. He's adorable!

lucky_girl said...

thanks Anonymous! do we know each other in real life too? :-)

Anonymous said...

No. Just another attorney who was following you pre-baby!