Saturday, May 9, 2009

I know, I suck at updating

It has been much too long since my last post. But post-baby, return-to-work me hasnt found the time or will to dedicate to updating my blog. Obviously new motherhood is a good excuse, but not an entire pardon. More recently it's my participation in Facebook that had effectively ended my blogging.

While I'd like to promise that things will change, at the moment M and I are struggling with lack of time, too much stress, too much clutter, too much to do and generally too much of everything EXCEPT relaxation and are making a very concerted effort to reverse that trend. Getting sick every 3-4 weeks, constantly feeling behind on life/home/work, feeling like we can either be good parents OR be good employees but not both at the same time, etc is exhausting . . . so we are on the path to changing that.

Any new parents out there (both working full time) have suggestions? We'd like to have it all--fulfilling jobs, be wonderful, present, dedicated parents, travel, have a semblance of a social life and make progress on our financial goals..... but are really questioning whether that is possible? Are we delusional or simply overreaching?

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