Sunday, August 19, 2007


One of the other wierd side effects this experience has had on me is this: People experience loss and tragedy every single day. (yes, even in this country) They still have to get up, go to work, buy groceries, get gas and if they can, do something outdoors once in awhile if they're up to it. I presume that I see these people all the time. People also piss me off all the time. Perhaps I have encountered one of these people and they pissed me off (ie, cut me off in traffic, rammed me with their grocery cart, stole my treadmill even though I was obviously waiting there first, didn't flush in a public restroom). You get my drift.

I have been absent minded, a little bit at least, this past week. I probably pissed some people off as well. I'm sure I stole a parking spot, or didn't use my blinker, or generally wasn't a good citizen in the world. I may have cussed in front of someone else's small children (most likely). So next time these people happen to me, I'm going to try to remember all of this and be more compassionate. And I hope that they will return the favor.

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