Wednesday, August 8, 2007

How are you feeling?

If you are, or have been, pregnant I don't have to tell you the question you get most often when you're new to this is "how are you feeling?" These well-intended folks probably don't know what might fly out of your mouth at any given time (not literally, puh-leeze), especially if you're me.

In the first 3 weeks (after I found out) I had nothing exciting to report. I really felt normal except that I was super tired. The last couple weeks, however, have been a bit wierd.

In addition to being really tired most of the day, most of the foods I used to love (fresh salads, veggies, even wine) sound horrible. In fact, I made spinach salads for the both of us a couple weekends ago and gagged after the first bite. I made M finish both of them and I had to leave the table because the smell of spinach grossed me out.

I swear this isn't me not being on a diet (for once in my life)... but I absolutely love the following things that I never used to eat with any consistency: sourdough bread, grilled cheese sandwiches (on sourdough bread of course) with tomato soup (it's August people!), apple juice--gallons of apple juice, french fries, oatmeal and hard-boiled eggs. I swear, hard-boiled eggs have never tasted so good to me.

Why can't I be one of those girls who craves bags and bags of oranges? Or cantaloupe? Or flats of strawberries? Why does this baby want nothing but simple carbs and fat? Even protein sounds nasty most days. I used to love grilled shrimp or a boca burger. Gross.

All in all, I guess I should consider myself very lucky (hm, guess the name now means something other than the girl who used to read Lucky). I haven't had serious morning sickness. No vomiting here at all. Just some days of feeling like absolute crap. I told my M, who was on the phone with his mum at the time, that I felt like I ate a can of bad tuna. I don't even know what that means (and niether did he nor my mother-in-law)... but apparently that also goes with the turf (pregnant lady is insane).

After all is said and done, in the 4 weeks I've known I am pregnant I have already gained 4 lbs. Average for the first trimester is 2-5. Sweet. I've got 3 more weeks to go and 1 more lb to spare. :-)
Cheers! (Wine for you, apple juice for me)

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