Thursday, August 23, 2007

Duck Duck Goose!

I completely underestimated the effects this miscarriage would have on me. Last weekend we were socially busy, which was a great distraction. And only that, a distraction. Because once the hum-drum of the work week began, and M went to work, a fog of suckiness set in. It's kind of like a game of duck-duck-goose (or whatever the real name for that game is) in that you never know which days are going to suck. This week, it was Monday and Wednesday. So far Tuesday (my normal busy day with clients) went well and Thursday is starting off much better.
I'm trying a few things to lift my moods when they come--wine (definitely a winner), runs (not so much, surprisingly) and complaining to M (also not a winner).
Complaining to M is one of those things that's hard because on the one hand, I should be able to moan, groan, cry and complain to him (particularly about this). But since he's dealing/grieving this situation a lot differently than me, it tends to have the opposite effect, I get angry and/or resentful of his seemingly zen & 'it wasn't meant to be' attitude.

FYI: if you ever have to comfort someone going through this, the " there's a reason for everything" conversation is one you probably don't need to have. Intellect and rational understanding have nothing to do with this experience, so applying it doesn't make anyone feel any better. For good measure, neither does "well, you can always have more kids" one.

Anywhoo. Today is a goose day and I'm going to take advantage by actually getting some work done, spinning, cleaning up around the house and generally trying to be a productive person today. Never know if tomorrow is going to be a duck day.


Arvay said...

I had NO idea about any of this. Major giant huge {{{{{hugs}}}}} to you, girl.

Anonymous said...

oops! guess anonymity went out the window when i commented on your blog while logged in. :-) no worries. it's actually a relief that i dont have to hide it from more ppl.
Thanks for your kind words of support. of all people, you understand how difficult this kind of experience can be.