Monday, December 17, 2007

Sometimes it's not so great to be an open book

Because when you're grumpy, frustrated, tired, stressed and sickly, there's no hiding it from people who know you. I have been told by at least 3 people that I don't seem like myself lately. That combined with the fact that I have been sick twice in the last 3 mos and have still not completely recovered from my fit of hives last week and .... well ... Message recieved. So, in my personal tradition, I am trying to do something about it.

First acunpuncture session completed today.
Massage recieved as a birthday gift this year is scheduled for this weekend.
Massage recieved as a birthday gift last year will be scheduled for the week of Christmas.
Yoga being reinstated as legitimate form of exercise in my repertiore.
And I will try to JUST. DO. LESS.

And my homework from my acupuncturist? I need to soak my feet in a warm lavendar bath for at least 15 minutes every day and take my vitamins. Now that is homework I can handle! And bonus, my feet already feel softer (thanks to this awesome lavendar oil I have).

Cheers and I hope you all have a lovely holiday break!

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