Holy canoli! Here's the baby at 13 weeks:
So BT and I went to my first screening appointment today which included (among many other things) an ultrasound and WOW! First impression--man this kid can MOVE! The baby was throwin' punches and kicking around in there like crazy. It was a non-stop dance machine. Like a little private party in my uterus. Second--the news that I'm actually a week farther along than we originally calculated and expected! So I lost week 12 in there, but so what! I'm almost done with the first trimester. Woo hoo!For me, it was like watching a movie of someone else's stomach. SO bizarre. I can't believe that all that is going on in there and I can't feel a thing. Other than being fatter, most of the time I don't even feel pregnant! Now I can't wait to feel the baby kick and move around. Should be in the next 7 weeks or so. For BT, it was pretty impressive too. She and I were both completely not prepared to see that much action today. Being the science person she is, she got to ask all the pixel-ey questions and 'is that the nose?' and stuff, and quiz my genetic counselor on the ins and outs of the odds of this and that. I was SO glad she was there to interpret and humanize the mass amounts of data they threw at us today because without her I'd be in hysterics and completely freaking out. When the doctor told me"you're at the high end of our normal range" and didn't preface it by saying, "You are farther along than we expected, so a higher number is explicable," or "You are in the normal range, although .." I, as most pregnant women would, started furrowing my brows and wondering, "well shit, what does that mean then?" So BT and I were both unimpressed by the data-lovin' doctor's bedside manner. However, scientifically speaking, we have little reason to be concerned. Of course, the little reason I do have is enough to have changed my mind about the course of screening I'll be doing now. But unless I get bad news at the end of this week (which even then still has a 99% chance of proving nothing is wrong according to BT), I am content with the awesome action show I saw our baby perform this afternoon. And I can't wait to spread the good news at the end of this week with a lovely picture of our baby! Since I'm drafting this in advance, by the time this posts, you will see the 13 week picture here:
Can you see the arms and legs? Belly and head? Crazy!