Monday, June 30, 2008

29 1/2 weeks and counting . . .

If you're curious as to what 29 1/2 weeks looks like, here is the latest:

I'm starting to see how they say my uterus is the size of a soccer ball now. Don't you?
Some other interesting tidbits on his development thus far:

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day. Courtesy of

Well, that explains my insatiable appetite for cereal (we currently have 6 boxes on top o' the fridge), milk with Ovaltine (1 gallon of milk in 4 days?!) as well as yogurt, cottage cheese and regular old cheddar cheese. Should I just buy a cow and get it over with?

Weekend roundup in pictures

It's funny to think that my new definition on a busy weekend includes putting together nursery furniture, working in the garden and getting laundry/grocery chores done. There were no crazy nights out, no hangovers on Sat & Sunday mornings, no greasy breakfasts to ease the pain. Just a couple nights of pretty good sleep (which has been a rarity as of late), some movie-watching with M and hanging out with my mom here (and putting her to good use!).

Our family dog of 15 years, Taz, died on Saturday morning. My mom was so shaken and sad when she called with the news. The fact that my dad is out of town for the family reunion on his side (none of us were able to make it this year for various reasons), didn't help matters either. So M and I invited her to come down and hang out (read: help with the nursery) with us. Those who know my mom know that nothing is better than having lots of things to do. First, she's a do-er. She can't just sit down and chill. Second, it's a way she shows her affection--by doing stuff for people she cares about. Now that I am totally aware of these things, I'm able to deal better with her.

Plus, this weekend we were planning to re-stain/re-finish the crib, assemble the dresser and re-paint the glider chair for the nursery--all of which are right up her alley and areas of her expertise. Plus, I had some sick tomato plants that needed transplantation and she's got a great green thumb. So all in all, it worked out. She got to come down here, not be alone in her big house without our dog and hang out with us. We got the benefit of a third pair of hands, expertise and willingness to dig in and do the hard work.

So, here are some pics of the fruits of our labors:
The crib

M repainting the glider chair (my mom is making new cushions):

While we bought a new dresser for the baby's room, after putting it together (for 3 hours!), we decided that the color was wrong and gave him our dresser instead. The dresser we bought is actually part of the set that goes with our bedroom furniture, so we switched with him. Which actually saved us from having to refinish/restain the crib, so double yay!
Thyme that my mom donated to our garden:

Our zuccini plants are going wild! This particular plant has 5 or 6 new baby zuccinis growing on it. We already ate the first of the fruit off of this one-yum!

One of our Early Girl plants going crazy!

One of our Brandywine plants, actually bearing fruit! My mom says that hierlooms are hit or miss, so if you're lucky to get a plant that bears fruit in a season, you're doing well. Yeah! That also explains why none of our heirlooms did well last year. Although not exactly explaining why none of our hybrids did particularly well either.... Hm.

This is our formerly sick tomato plant that we just transplanted this weekend into a bigger pot with lots and lots of new soil. Grow baby grow!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Truths about pregnancy

Ok, this isn't really a post, but I thought it was worthy of posting because it's absolutely true and pretty funny when you're going through it. The article I'm stealing it from calls it Belly laughs, I'm calling it Truths about Pregnancy. Enjoy!

If only you'd known you were going to trade...

• Monthly PMS for nine months of weeping
• Lacy thongs for cotton tents
• Sex for gas
• Zinfandel for Ovaltine
• Birth control for laxatives
• Going to the gym for getting up to pee
• Your waist for a hot-air balloon
• Kickboxing for kick counts
• Your innie for an outie — a way-outie
• Sleeping for groaning
• Freedom for the most intense love you've ever known*

*this one I'll have to wait to find out, but from all current reports, it's absolutely true. Every cliche about being a new parent (I've been told) is more than true. (if that's even possible). Stay tuned.

Happy Saturday! We're off to work on the nursery--building furniture, restaining the crib, painting the gliding chair, etc etc etc. Woo hoo!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A new high, low . . .or wherever the baby is at the moment

I'm wondering now--Is it possible for the baby to have grown so much that I can tell a difference in 2 days? It sure feels like it. Over the weekend I was starting to feel mildly uncomfortable after sitting for a length of time. But now that my boobs rest on my belly all the time, I find my upper back getting tired of sitting for as long as just a lunch with a friend. And crossing my legs? Fuggetaboutit. That was a talent that left me probably a month ago, I can't even remember.

I am beginning to think of new milestones now that I'm in the third trimester. For instance:
  • 30 weeks--because then I can assume/hope that I only have 10 weeks left. Plus, it's an even number; and like I said at the beginning of this journey, I like even numbers.
  • 32 weeks--because that's the next time we get to see our little guy in an ultrasound.
  • 35 weeks--because it's kind of an even number AND it means I only have (hopefully) 5 weeks left.
  • 38 weeks because then he's no longer "premature" in the dangerous sense.
My secret wish is that I don't gain more than 35 pounds. My original goal was 30 but now that it's become evident that I will be passing that number for sure.... I have made a new goal :-) These goals are, of course, completely arbitrary and I know that. But they have been a good reason for me to skip a night at Yumi Yogurt (oh butterscotch with Reese's PB cup chunks I miss you!) and choose a salad over a sandwich at lunch, so it's all good.

So, I have a week and a half to go until my next milestone--30 weeks. Woo hoo!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 28: The last trimester is here!

I can't believe it's already here . . . the third and final trimester!

The baby is doing well. Man! He is kicking up a storm as of late. Last night I got the biggest kick ever, so big that I saw my stomach jump even though I wasn't looking directly at it. My eye just caught the movement. And of course I felt a huge kick.

I am now in my 28th week, it's official! I am coming in on the home stretch. YAY! I must admit, I haven't hated being pregnant and by no means has this been totally unpleasant. In fact, since he started moving around 21 weeks, it's been pretty cool to feel him all the time.

But, I am looking forward to getting my body back. Since about week 20 I've been fine with the weight gain and looking chunky. I'm not totally at ease with the fat thighs part, as I'd been hoping and trying to keep my arms and legs looking reasonable with regular workouts. (that didn't exactly work out for me even though I have been working out). But overall, it's been fine. M doesn't seem to mind my weight gain, in fact he's still telling me I'm beautiful. He must be one of those guys who finds pregnancy sexy or something... he sure acts like it. And for that I'm eternally grateful!

And while I do realize there will be a few more months after he's born that I'm not totally back to my normal (or even close to it) weight, I am looking forward to being able to work on it it more. Right now, even if I don't want to, I drink milk, eat potatoes, lots of fiber, etc and whatever I injest seems to be making it's way to my hips, butt and thighs.

In fact, this morning I was looking for a picture to send to a friend who is making a bridal scrapbook for another friend and came across many many pictures that made me feel nostalgic about how I used to look. Even just 7 months ago when I thought I needed to lose a few pounds before the holidays. I can't wait to have my face look less chubby, get my thighs back to a reasonable size and look at my quads and not think, "damn, those weren't that big before!"

I know I will be changed when he gets here and this is definitely going to be worth it, but it still will be nice to be "me" again.

Speaking of me now, here is a recent picture of M and I at the Tahoe wedding a couple weeks ago. Trust me when I say that the angle is extremely flattering! I normally look wider and chubbier than this :-)

The blogging committment

I remember back in the day when a friend suggested I start a blog thinking, "well, I dont think I can commit to writing something so frequently." Then I finally got around to doing it and was doing fairly well at staying current. Then, I stopped being good. I keep finding myself thinking, geez, I should get on and say something. But I realized today that I can and will only do as much as I think is a priority. And clearly blogging daily/weekly has dropped off the priority list. At first it was because work was insane. Now that it's June, however, I have fewer excuses other than just not logging on. So I've decided to let that guilt (or whatever feeling it is) go and just blog when I can. I will continue to post updates and pics and anything interesting that pops up though maybe not as frequently as I've done in the past.

I do have a few things to update on. . .

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lessons learned in month 6

[1] No matter I'm doing, I'd rather be doing something else. ie, if I'm sitting, my legs get swollen and tight so I want to stand up. If I'm standing, my back is achy and I want to sit down. I can only imagine it will get more difficult as I head into month 7 here shortly. And then month 8 and 9. Yikes.

I am told by my friend who is currently at 40 weeks that I should hope and pray our son wants to come at 38/39 weeks because the last two weeks are hell. (and she's had a perfect pregnancy). Thus lesson #2:

[2] I have decided that I will be going out on leave starting Tuesday, Sept 2nd on the wise advice of aforementioned currently pregnant friend. I want the last two weeks to be free of the politics and antics of work as well as the worries of work. I can already feel myself caring less and less as the weeks go by... so I know I will not care in the least at the beginning of September.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Reflections from the Lake

M and I spent the weekend here in beautiful Lake Tahoe for the wedding of a good friend. Let me tell ya, if a weekend in Tahoe can't instill some reflection and relaxation in you, then you are seriously wound up. We've only been here for 2 days and nights and already I feel so much better (despite the too-soft cabin bed on my sore, pregnant back)

Yesterday I went on a walk with a very good friend and we just talked and talked, catching up after what seems like a long time. We both couldn't help but be awed by the amazing views of the Lake. I couldn't stop saying "I've forgotten how beautiful the Lake is, it's been so long!" And it really has. It's been at least 10 or so years since M or I have been up here at all and at least 15 or 16 since I've been here in the summer. WOW. The Lake is just so.... blue, the most amazing deep blue. So clear, so majestic, so awesome set against the snow-capped mountains. It's literally a divine place if one could ever be imagined and created.

After a walk with my friend, a shorter walk along the lake shore with M and attending the wedding on the Lake's shore, I've given pause to think, for one of the few times in my life, particularly as of late.

I am so lucky that my husband is my best friend. We were at the wedding, laughing and watching all of the people dance, drink and have a good time and although I couldn't partake in much more than sitting at our very fun table, I was so glad to be there. I saw old couples ripping up the dance floor while at the same time laughing at each other and themselves, just having a grand time. I saw young couples expecting their first and second babies seriously in love. Of course the bride and groom, who are one of those couples I think "wow, they are really going to make it." And I saw all of their family members gather round and create the most loving and supportive environment for their most recent family additions and the budding couple. All of this with Lake Tahoe in the backdrop.

I looked around and saw those young couples in love and some seriously making out at their tables and then I saw what M and I must look like to them: sitting at our table absolutely crying with laughter, holding hands and in our own world too, and thought, this is so cool. Sure, M and I are not in this place where we are making out in public anymore. We are so much farther along on our path. We have been together for 15 years but we are still in love. M is so in love with his son that it makes my heart ache. He still (crazily enough) thinks I am beautiful even though I've gained 20 lbs of baby weight right now. And he knows me well enough to know that I need to hear all of that right now. So yes, M is my best friend, the best husband I could ever ask for and like the officiant at the wedding said yesterday, he makes me remember why we said those vows and how true they stand today (almost) 8 years later.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that we've been together for almost 15 years. But last night at the reception we kept talking to people from high school (the groom has kept insanely close with his high school and college friends), most of whom were in different crowds from BT and I during high school, and M kept remembering some of them. He's been around that long! This one ran track with him, this one he played some other sport with, that one was a friend of a friend. One of the last guys we talked to, another fly boy (pilot), told M "yeah, you do look familiar!" after hearing that we had been together since high school. One of the groom's friends from childhood went to high school with M (and as it turns out, also went to U of O with M and the groom, duh). And at one of the two tables full of the groom's college buddies (University of Oregon, where M also went to college) there was a girl that lived across the dorm from M. It was insane and fun all at the same time.

I know it must have been a weekend of serious reflection and some difficult reflection for some people. Something about weddings and definitely something about Lake Tahoe does that. I, for one, will remember this weekend, one of the final getaways before our son is born, as one where I became solid and comfortable in the knowledge that M will be a great dad and continue to be a great husband. Not for a second did I ever doubt that before, but something clicked in me this weekend and I knew he is ready and has been for quite some time.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Stanley Cup games always make me cry

Ok, not literally, but pretty darn close. I went to a playoff game this series and I felt SO BAD for the losing team, I wanted to cry. I mean, sitting there (5 rows from the ice, nonetheless) watching them put their hearts, souls, bodies, every cell and every effort on the ice to win the game in the hopes of winning the Cup, it always makes me feel so so bad for whichever team loses.

And tonight is no exception. Pittsburgh has done an amazing job this series, not to mention Crosby being such a baby player (ok, kind of, but compared to the vets on the ice tonight, yes) and it just made me so sad to watch the last few minutes of the game thinking and hoping (even to the last 1.8 seconds when the puck passed right through the goal) that Pittsburgh might tie it up and go into overtime again.

M and I feel the same about institutions like Detroit. And the Lakers. And USC. We always root for the other team. For some reason it feels like they deserve it so much more simply because they haven't won it as much or as many times as those institutions.

I'm not even one for pro sports (with the exception of hockey), but it will be interesting to see what happens between the Lakers and the Celtics. Of course I am rooting for the Celtics. Mainly because I cant stand Kobe. But for the same reason I want all underdogs to win--because it's only fair dammit!

Watching the Red Wings players each take their turn on the ice with the cup (which they do deserve to be fair), I couldn't help but think of how each of the Penguins must feel thinking, "fuck, that could have been us."

To you Pittsburgh I say "Cheers and well done. Have many beers tonight to celebrate your accomplishment."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

bye bye! see ya in a few months (i hope)

About 3 weeks ago I finally noticed what must have been happening for some time, the temporary disappearance of my belly button. I pointed it out to M, who exclaimed, "nuh-uh?! Let me see! . . . . dude, that is crazy!"

It's true, it is crazy. I (normally) have a very deep bellybutton. And now the tan insides of my bellybutton (which also prove that I'm not insane and that I was tanner when I was younger) are coming out into the wide wide world and leveling out.

Tonight, while on the phone with BT, I instinctively felt my belly button and momentarily freaked out, thinking it was completely gone. Alas, it's still slightly inward. But in preparation for the inevitable, I say to you belly button "bye! have a good vacation and I look forward to seeing you when you get back."

Monday, June 2, 2008

Love the One You're With

Another great fast read by Emily Giffin. I've always found her writing style to be so easy and fluid, it takes no time at all to read them. This particular story is about a newlywed woman and her apparently perfect marriage. I like Emily because her background makes her content so much more relevant to me. She's an ex-litigator (practiced at Big Law in Manhattan) and then up and quit, moved to London and started writing. Now she lives in Atlanta with her husband and three boys. Very cool.

I think her background is also the reason why this story is so engaging. The husband is from a very visible family in Atlanta (much like BT's hubby) and is an attorney, the wife is a photographer. It's basically a journey that a lot of newlywed couples take and make and how she survives it on her own (and in her marriage).

I finished reading this one camping a couple weekends ago and it was a perfect read for a long weekend.

25 weeks: The good, the bad and the ug-leey!

A couple things I find hard to believe: [1] I've let my blog go 2 weeks, woops. [2] Me and baby are at 25 weeks. O mi god! It's June, which is also hard to believe. This year is flying by!

I've finally taken a second to snap a couple belly shots and shots of the nursery (by request). So enjoy those.... 25 week belly shots:

I told M that I don't really feel much of a change. But then he reminded me of this shot at 19 weeks (when we last took a picture):

So yeah... I guess I have gotten bigger. Which is good. I can't even tell you how many times I've been told "o mi god! you're so small for XXth month!" I'm 6 months now and I am by far the smallest bump of any of my currently pregnant (or just gave birth) friends. But at my last appointment, I was assured that baby D's growth is normal and he's doing just fine, so for now I'm counting myself lucky.

The bad? Well it kinda goes hand-in-hand with the ugly which all came to a head this weekend. For weeks now I've been having heartburn. It doesn't matter what I eat, if I eat at all. If I drink a huge amount of water, that fills up my stomach and gives me heartburn too. So I've learned to cope by eating and drinking smaller amounts of food at more frequent intervals and popping antacids whenever the heartburn becomes more than uncomfortable (which is a lot).

That was working for quite awhile until Sunday morning. Did anyone know that antacids can cause constipation? Lesson learned!

The scene? My folks are in town for a Parent's Weekend celebration (mother and father's day combined since we are unable to celebrate on either of the prescribed weekends). After a lovely dinner Saturday night (homemade pasta noodles with a light veggie/garlic/olive oil) and wine for those who could partake, we decided to do breakfast at one of our favorite spots, Hobee's. We sit down to order and just after we order, I excuse myself for the restroom.


9:15am: After trying to go for about 20 minutes (my mom came to check up on me), I started to break out in a full body sweat and my abdominal area is in pain. I cannot go! This has never happened to me before (in life or during pregnancy), so I'm not sure what to do. But after stripping off my sweatshirt and still unable to stop sweating (or go), I decide I need an exit strategy. So I go to the table and tell my folks that I need to go home NOW and Ryan will come back to get them. We rush out of the restaurant, and on my way out I tell my folks, "If you need to use the restroom, you better go here because I'm gonna be in there a LONG time!"

10 am: I am at home trying to go. M is (so sweet) setting me up in the bathroom for every possible need: water? check. book? check. cell phone, blackberry and home phone? check. vitamin water? check. And before he goes back to get my parents, he makes certain I am ok. Given my level of discomfort, I am doing the best I can. So he's off.

10:15: I decide that I'm going to give it 15 more minutes before I start the epsom salt bath (supposed to help with constipation). Still nothing. And SO painful.

10:30: I get in the tub and try to sit comfortably for about an hour. M gets back and checks on me. Still no change. I'm in pain and I can't go!!

11:30: Still no change. I've been in and out of the tub twice now and trying. Nothing's happening. But in the meantime, M has picked me up some laxative pills so I take those.

11:49: I throw up the pills, the metamucil crackers I just ate and about a gallon of water I've been chugging. And I meekly beg for M to call the advice nurse at my ob-gyn office to find out what we should do now.

For awhile, I am status quo. They say there's nothing to do except try fibrous foods, water, laxative pills. Enema being the last resort if nothing happens by tonight. UGH. But as I'm sending M to the store for more fibrous-specific foods (advised by my midwife-nurse), I try to pee. And I can't go. SHIT.

So I call the nurse advice line again and they call back saying that my ob-gyn wants me to go to the ER now. They need to know why I can't urinate and if it's dehydration, I need to get on an IV.

12:30: M rushes home from Safeway and picks me up and we head to the ER.

For some reason, time goes by SO SLOWWWLLYY at the ER. There are literally 3 patients there (including myself) and yet it takes the Dr. at least 20 minutes to come see me after I've been roomed and changed. Then another 20 minutes for him to wheel in the ultrasound machine (to make sure I'm making urine and the baby is ok). Then another 20 minutes for the nurse to come in and give me the enema. (Clearly this is the ugleeey part).

By 3:30pm I am discharged and on my way home feeling so. much. better. I can't even tell you how unbelievably uncomfortable that was. It wasn't "painful" in the traditional sense, but so much more than discomfort. I wish there was a word to describe it. Let's just say that I'll never take the ability to pee and "empty my colon" for granted EVAR again.

Now, more good (cuz that was groosss!). Pics of the nursery! Here is the dresser I refinished (painted and put new pulls on) We will be using this as a changing table (changing pad goes on top):

Here is the bookcase I painted (although I will be distressing it another weekend to make it not so bright). But you can also get a feel for the wall color, cute!

Here's the cute lamp set we got for his room too:

This weekend we also picked up my friend's glider (rocking chair) that we are going to refinish and re-do the cushions on. Rather, we are going to re-paint it (it's currently white and scratched up) dark brown like the rest of his furniture and my mom is going to make all-new custom cushions. Yeah!

Suprisingly, after all that business at the ER, I was able to go to the fabric store with my mom and look at fabrics for the chair, the curtains (we also hung curtain rods in his bedroom this Saturday) and for the blanket/bedskirt my mom is making. That's an additional bonus of having reconciled with my mom over the past two years and her being super handy. She knows how to refinish all kinds of furniture (she advised on how we should refinish the crib we are getting and the glider chair) AND she's a super good seamstress. And she's totally stoked about this baby and wants to make everything.

Here's a short list of what I already know she's making: custom curtains for his room, bedskirt/quilt and headboard pad, a bunch of recieving blankets in various weights for weather, a few slankets (she claims they are so easy to make, there's no sense in buying them), custom cushions for the glider chair, a custom terry-cloth cover for his changing pad (which goes on the brown dresser above). I think that's it. Oh, and a hand-made quilt with his name on it.Yay!

This kid is going to have so much stuff, it's ridiculous. But I love that most of it is repurposed (yay environment and saving money at the same time) and/or homemade.

So, there ya go. The good, the bad and the ugly. Even though I had a hell of a Sunday, I feel pretty happy with where we are and so happy the baby is doing so well! Kicking all the time and being a little showman (except when Daddy comes around to feel it. Then he quiets down for some reason)
