Monday, June 23, 2008

Week 28: The last trimester is here!

I can't believe it's already here . . . the third and final trimester!

The baby is doing well. Man! He is kicking up a storm as of late. Last night I got the biggest kick ever, so big that I saw my stomach jump even though I wasn't looking directly at it. My eye just caught the movement. And of course I felt a huge kick.

I am now in my 28th week, it's official! I am coming in on the home stretch. YAY! I must admit, I haven't hated being pregnant and by no means has this been totally unpleasant. In fact, since he started moving around 21 weeks, it's been pretty cool to feel him all the time.

But, I am looking forward to getting my body back. Since about week 20 I've been fine with the weight gain and looking chunky. I'm not totally at ease with the fat thighs part, as I'd been hoping and trying to keep my arms and legs looking reasonable with regular workouts. (that didn't exactly work out for me even though I have been working out). But overall, it's been fine. M doesn't seem to mind my weight gain, in fact he's still telling me I'm beautiful. He must be one of those guys who finds pregnancy sexy or something... he sure acts like it. And for that I'm eternally grateful!

And while I do realize there will be a few more months after he's born that I'm not totally back to my normal (or even close to it) weight, I am looking forward to being able to work on it it more. Right now, even if I don't want to, I drink milk, eat potatoes, lots of fiber, etc and whatever I injest seems to be making it's way to my hips, butt and thighs.

In fact, this morning I was looking for a picture to send to a friend who is making a bridal scrapbook for another friend and came across many many pictures that made me feel nostalgic about how I used to look. Even just 7 months ago when I thought I needed to lose a few pounds before the holidays. I can't wait to have my face look less chubby, get my thighs back to a reasonable size and look at my quads and not think, "damn, those weren't that big before!"

I know I will be changed when he gets here and this is definitely going to be worth it, but it still will be nice to be "me" again.

Speaking of me now, here is a recent picture of M and I at the Tahoe wedding a couple weeks ago. Trust me when I say that the angle is extremely flattering! I normally look wider and chubbier than this :-)

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