Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby boy D is doing great

We just got back from my 32-week ultrasound this morning and all indications are that Baby boy D is right on track! His growth, heartbeat, major body parts (head, brain, limbs, internal organs) are right on target for his gestation. He weighs 4 lbs 8 oz right now (4.5 lbs), which is exactly where he should be. If he arrives on time at average weight, the guesstimate is that he'll be anywhere from 7-8 lbs. Due date is still between Sept 12-13.

The ultrasound was really cool this week! We were able to see a close up of his face--he has chubby cheeks already and hair on his head! We both thought at that moment, "this is definitely our kid" :-) We also got to see his heart close up, see how big is femur is, etc. It was absolutely amazing how much they can see/tell from an ultrasound.

This shot is confirmation that it's a boy:
This short is a profile of him sucking his thumb. Sorry you can't really see much. It was much better live than the picture.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Yay! Yay! How exciting!


Arvay said...

Cool! Fetus porn! :)

Arvay said...

Does "baby D" mean you have a name? And it starts with D?

The Enforcer said...

I think the D refers to their last name, but I could be wrong. ;)

Happy to hear that all is well. So neat to see the pics (even if I can't tell what's going on in them. Apparently, Arvay can!)

Hugs to you and M! =)

Anonymous said...

The first pic is fetus porn, if Arvay insists :-) the second is just him sucking his thumb, profile shot.

Yes, D just refers to last name. we have no name yet. :-)