Monday, July 28, 2008

Report from Week 33 1/2: It's gettin' hot in herre

That is the messed up way Nelly spells it, right?

Anywhoo--it's hot. it's damn hot. real hot in week 33 and i suspect it's only going to get worse. This weekend M and I went up to Sacramento for the baby shower hosted by my mom. It was something like 104 degrees on Saturday and we opened presents outside. At first it didn't seem so bad--my parents installed misters on the patio and we were blissfully misted for awhile. Then the sun moved, shade moved and I was sitting in a puddle of my own sweat. I literally had a sweat rag to wipe down between presents.

That's not just because it was 100+ degrees though. I was sweating indoors with the AC running, exerting no energy whatsoever. And my feet and hands were swollen to all get up as well.

M was complaining that I kept the AC in the car too cold, said his feet were freezing. Too bad buddy. I'm fucking hot and since M forgot his driver's license, I was the PIC. That means I control the AC. (PIC=pilot in command)

I hear this is normal. That does not make me feel better.

Please, please please let there be NO MORE HEAT WAVES in the Bay Area. I may not make it unscathed. I will blow up like a hot dog in a microwave that suddenly bursts.

On another note: The shower was a blast besides all the sweating. I'm looking forward to the Bay Area baby shower this weekend, which will undoubtedly be cooler and will involve more alcohol for my wine-lovin' friends :-)



Arvay said...

Hey you think that's bad spelling... I just got an email from a former student of mine, whom I'd considered pretty bright, with the word "ludacris." Sigh

The Enforcer said...

LUDACRIS!!! Damn, that's amazing! I love his music (no, really...I do. LOOODAAAH!)

And LG, I do believe the correct spelling is "herrr". Just omit the extraneous "e" at the end, add a few more "r"s and you should be well on your way to speaking jussss like Nelly. Word. =)

Anonymous said...

sweet, thanks for the spelling lesson a la Nelly :-) LG