Wednesday, February 27, 2008

11 weeks and counting (me and the fig-sized baby)

Someone asked me recently if I'm getting a baby bump. I said "no." But the more I look at it, the more I think I should be saying "kinda." I thought my belly just looked kinda bloated because it's nighttime and I'm always more bloated in the evenings, even normally. But when I wasn't pregnant, I could suck in my belly and go back to relatively-flat (for me, keep in mind).

Now when I suck in my belly, even as hard as I can, there is still a noticeable bump. So, yeah, I guess I do have a bit of a baby bump, even this early.

I told my boss today that I am pregnant, almost 3 mos (on Friday). And she was shocked, she said she couldn't even tell. So that's great. But before I get a big head about it, I haven't seen her since the holiday party in December, so it might just be because she hasn't seen me in awhile. I am going to see M this weekend in Miami and will try to get him to tell me the truth--is there a bump or isn't there?!

One thing's for sure--I am definitely not in my normal clothes anymore. I stopped even trying to use the Rock Star Mama pants adjuster as of late. Last time I wore it to dinner, I couldnt wait to get home and rip my pants off. So I figured it was time to move on. Sadly. I probably could get away with wearing my old pants longer. But it's like, why bother? I'd rather be comfortable and be wearing clothes that actually fit rather than living under the delusion that I can continue to wear my old pre-pregnancy clothes well into my second trimester, like so many women I've heard of. (skinny bitches:-)

So I've acquired some new cute clothes lately. I bought a cute pair of Citizen Maternity jeans and Seven Maternity capris from a girl on Craigslist, inherited a pair of Seven Maternity (and 2 other pairs of old navy jeans), and got a super cute dress I could definitely wear to at least 2 of the summer weddings we have coming up. Oddly, packing for my Miami trip was easy because I'm so limited in what I have that fits, I just packed what I have and what I recently bought. Done!

So far, 11 weeks of pregnancy have gone well. I've been able to hear the baby's heartbeat on our Doppler on a regular basis, so that's a nice relief. And I have another ultrasound on Monday (with BT) so we'll get to see the baby at 12 weeks. Woo hoo! I've been told this will be a super cool ultrasound, so I'm really excited.

On another note: my folks were here visiting last weekend (since M is gone for a month). It was surprisingly pleasant! We got to catch up about the baby and my progress, I got to hear about my mom's pregnancies and easy labor and deliveries with me and my brother (both of us were early by almost 2 weeks and her labor was short and sweet, YEAH!), and I was able to get the baby's heartbeat so they could hear it. Very cool.

I can tell they are excited. They are already planning what they won't be doing in September (going anywhere on vacation) so they can be here when the baby is born. And my mom has already told me to reserve a baby-shopping trip for her. It's so odd!! But also oddly nice. I think BT was on to something when she told me the story of her mom and her grandmother's relationship changing dramatically when BT was born. Good stuff.

More at Week 12!

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