Thursday, February 21, 2008

*RANT WARNING* ....I hate being micromanaged

At least once per quarter my boss pisses me the fuck off. Today is that day. Despite my undeniably good performance in 2007, Boss still feels the need to stick it to me regarding some stupid-ass meeting regarding 2007 performance. (which by the way I've never had to do in person with my former boss, we did it over the phone.) Boss is a working parent so I know s/he is trying to make the schedule work for him/her and their family. I get that. But I'm trying to make mine work for me as well. So when Boss puts unreasonable demands on my time for nothing else than personal efficiency, it really chaps my ass.

I was told over email today that Boss is DEMANDING in-person meetings in the office next week between timeslot A and timeslot B. Of course I already have client appointments during 90% of the times that Boss has alotted (although s/he was careful to be out of the office by 2pm to get home for the kids, no doubt). I was trying to coordinate and see if we could meet in the middle on one of the remaining timeframes that works to make it work for both of us.

NOPE. Just like the control freak Boss is once per quarter, s/he DEMANDED that I be in the office at a particular time because of the "importance of this meeting." It's so important that Boss can't change his/her schedule at all, even though Boss rarely meets with clients personally (which is why I can't meet with Boss any other time). I have to adjust my schedule with clients to meet with Boss's schedule.

I'm fucking pissed. This is why I left firms. Because I hated my time being micromanaged by asshole partners in Big Law who felt that their time was more important than mine even though i was doing their client's work.


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