Saturday, February 2, 2008

Getting stuff done (sometimes) and moving on....

I certainly don't have interesting racoon-love fests happening on my roof like BT. Nor is work particularly exciting. Last weekend M and I spent many hours catching up on sleep, reading the paper and basically lazing around. M was officially recovering from a horrific sinus infection that wouldn't go away compounded by a post-cavity filling/broken tooth-fixing pain that has increased rather than subsided. So it's been pretty quiet on the homefront. We burned through our two Netflix selections (both happened to be Entourage Season 3). And as you can tell, I have a rockin' Saturday night here in my jammies, debating whether to hit the gym for the second time this week. All in all, I have been lazy.

Today, however I vowed to be productive and got a lot of stuff done. I went through the pile of crap on my desk that has piled up and was dismayed to find a gift certificate to Le Papillion that expired November 30, 2007. Bummer. Found my Voting Guides (that's tomorrow's to-do). I gathered all of our 2007 tax documents (wee! another to-do tomorrow and next weekend). And I just finished printing off everything we could possibly need from M's to-be-former-employer's website since his access will be turned off at midnight tonight. Once I finished printing all of that stuff, I got really sad. I can't believe it's the end. It's really the end of an era for both M and I. We spent the first 7 1/2 years of our marriage with this airline, flying all over the globe with our benefits (there are literally only 2 continents we haven't been to on these benefits), complaining about management and crew scheduling (who doesn't though). It's really sad that in 5 short hours, it'll all be over. He'll be working for the new dog in town, Virgin America.

For some reason (I haven't quite figured out yet) I'm having a much harder time with this transition than M is. It's wierd since as an investor, I like taking risks. I figure, I'm young, I have time for my portfolio to balance out. But in life and when confronted with life-changing decisions, I feel risk-averse. I don't like jumping into the unknown when the status quo is working for us. Even though M has spent a large chunk of his time as a pilot commuting to his base, his current base (for the next 5 hours) has been working for us. It's a hell of a lot closer than ORD and with better weather and fewer delays, so he usually gets to and from work just fine. I love our benefits and I love that he's so senior he gets all the holidays off, weekends off, any vacation time we want and a rockin' schedule. I'm not looking forward to all of that changing in 2008. So even though everyone is telling me they think VA is going to be a success and "o mi god, aren't you so excited?!" I'm not so much. I am excited for M, but I'm not excited about this huge life-altering change. Like I said, I'm risk-averse when it comes to life and I don't like diving into the deep blue unknown.

I think I actually have heartburn from the concern. Geez. I do need to hit the gym right now.

Hasta! Enjoy the Game tomorrow (or the snacks if you're like me and only care about the food and seeing Tom Brady)!

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