Monday, February 18, 2008

Week 8

We've now known I am pregnant for about 4 weeks and have been anxiously awaiting the 8-week ultrasound on Friday, Feb 1st. It's oddly fitting that my 8-week appointment is on a Friday at the beginning of a new month. There's something both really me about that and really nice. Me, because I like things to be clean and simple. 8 week appointment where we will find out if we have a heartbeat on a Friday and the first of the month is so perfect. It's also really cool that this baby is basically following the calendar year and will be born in the 9th month of this year. And really nice because it feels like a fresh start. After losing our first baby, we are both trying to look at this pregnancy as a clean slate. Just because we had such a horrible experience the first time, it does not mean we will this time. We are trying hard to remember that each step of the way and each week.

Anyways, we waited with bated breath for the Friday appointment. I had an inkling that we would get good news because I had been feeling the symptoms all week. Kinda nauseated, food aversions and breast tenderness. But not too much, so I also felt a bit of doubt. Honestly though, I couldn't let M know that I felt any doubt at all because he was *so* skeptical and trying hard not to get too attached to this baby.

The appointment itself was pretty difficult for both of us because it was the same ultrasound place, the same parking garage (M *insisted* on parking on the other side of the garage this time) and the same technician. She, of course, didn't know she was the technician who delivered our bad news last time (until I told her at the end of the appointment). But the whole thing was just a little too familiar. So we were feeling pretty nervous.

Luckily though, as you all know now, we got a heartbeat! Once she pointed out the heartbeat, M, who seemingly had not taken or released a breath since she put the wand and gel on my stomach, actually took a big breath and color returned to his face. He was SO RELIEVED. I was thrilled. A HEARTBEAT! We at least made it over this first hurdle.

The baby was a teeny little thing, about 1 cm long, basically the size of a kidney bean. Behold... the size our baby at 8 weeks:
For size comparison, here is an actual kidney bean:


Arvay said...

Congratulations on your bean! :D That is so cool! I am so happy for you!

Anonymous said...
