Friday, February 22, 2008

A new reason to shop

Ever since I left the practice, I've become quite an infrequent shopper. I've even stopped (gasp) shopping in stores unless it's required! I pretty much do all of my clothes and shoe shopping online now. Until recently, I've had no reason to buy anything. I have everything I need and since we were in pay-off-debt mode, I really didn't have a reason to spend money.

Now I do. Getting fatter creates a whole new need of new clothes and it's not that bad! I forgot that I like to shop! Albeit, still online, but dude. Maternity clothes have gotten a whole lot cuter, that's fo sho.

Some of my favorite bargain spots: (they have great brands like Japanese Weekend and Olian for much less than the actual retailer), (surprisingly cute and inexpensive) craigslist for designer jeans (hello! Paige, Citizens and Sevens used!). I just found out about this new thing, Maternity Xchange. I haven't been, but I am excited to checking it out! One of the big reasons is they speak my language, "Because You're Losing Your Waist, Not Your Taste!" That's right sister!

So ladies, fear not, you don't have to look like your mom when she was pregnant with you. Bonus for you: I will be the guinea pig this time around, and hopefully you'll see me fuller but not frumpier.

Happy shopping!

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