Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sorry... must.. toot.. own..horn

I'm amazed at some information I've just learned today.. it's about me and my work, so it's not earth-shattering or even very important in the grand scheme of things. But....

Early last Fall the Company I work for announced an end-of-the-year incentive program. If you increase your numbers in Q4, you'd get a bonus. (small, but still extra cash). I didn't mean to make it. I didn't even try hard. I just did what I normally do. For some reason, I was very lucky and my territory blew the s**t out of the WATER in Q4. Not only did I meet the 2% increase they wanted... I increased my territory's sales numbers by 51% in Q4. In fact, from Oct-December my territory went from 119% of goal to 170% of goal. Damn. DUDE! I cannot believe that. Most folks were in/around the 2-14% range. In fact my closest competitor was at 4%. Wow.

When I looked at the little excel sheet they sent today, there is not a single person in my market area that came CLOSE to that. (although some poor person decreased their sales numbers by 26% in Q4.

I hate to brag and normally I would tell just M. But he's in sim and I barely get 5 mins a day to talk to him.... so I'm bragging to y'all. Sorry!

I hope you all had as fabulous a day as me. I had a presentation that went AWESOME and then got the good news that my teeny tiny bonus is FINALLY going to be here because of this nugget of info. So cheers! Have a great week!


The Enforcer said...

YAY!!! Congrats to you! 51%! Awesome!

And I did have an fabulous day as I bought new shoes and sunglasses! Hooray for material things! =)

lucky_girl said...

Indeed. yeah for materialism :-)
I need new sunglasses too. thanks for reminding me.

Miss E. said...

Indeed! Nice work.