Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Oh and one other to-do?
The house (rental) kinda fell in our laps right before E's big coming out party (otherwise known as a party where E's parents get to drink wine and hang out with long lost friends) and we sealed the deal this morning. So we move in Dec 4th. But just to keep things lively, we are spending this coming weekend painting (it's a must-do, the kitchen cabinets and bathroom walls are *hideous*), the next weekend jamming in Thanksgiving and some much-needed packing and then moving day is here.
Granted, M and I have moved many times. That might be an understatement. 14 times in 8 years of marriage to be exact. But never have we done a move with an infant in tow. Should be interesting.
ps--For those who've emailed with concern, don't worry! We are only moving 4 blocks from our current location. :-) And the new house is much bigger, so our next shindig will be much more comfortable.
Back to the grind . . . UGH!
And now, sadly, I have to go back to work! I know I said (in a recent post) that I was looking forward to going back to work. And in some ways, I am. But I am seriously bummed to miss the daily dose of E-love and cuteness that I'm currently get all day long. Sure, I'll get to see him every afternoon/evening and to be fair, my job allows me to work from home 2 days a week and be home at a very reasonable time the other 3 days. But still!!! (hear me whining here)
To be totally honest, the biggest reason I'm dreading going back to work is pure laziness. In the beginning, when E was first home from the NICU, every day was hard. It was difficult to even fathom getting out of the house with a shower, clothes that match and a well-fed baby. I never knew when he would freak out, I was *chained* to my breast pump and generally life outside babyville was non-existent. But now I have a great group of new moms to support me (and occassionally babysit), grandparents who would rather do nothing else but see their grandson, a pretty well-rested hubby and most importantly a *very* good baby who only really fusses when he wants to eat. I feel like we are dialed in on E's needs, wants, idiosyncracies, etc. And now that we've got it figured out (as much as one can), I have to go back to work. Now that I can actually work out (almost) every day, pay bills on time, get back to cooking real meals, keep a relatively decent house and finish very tardy to-do's (like thank yous!), I have to figure out how to do all that AND work full time.
So, yeah. yikes.
I do realize I should give up on the delusion that I can be the "do-it-all mom/wife/friend." But the A-type in me refuses to admit this might happen. Let's be real. I can't even update my blog AND keep up on Facecrack.
Here's to hoping!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
E's first vacation
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Don't judge me, but . . .
[1] I give my baby formula. Yup! It's true. At least one time per day I have to give E a bottle of formula. Most of the time it's because I simply don't produce enough milk. But honestly, sometimes it's because he's being a major fuss monster and I can't stand another breastfeeding session where he's kicking me, screaming his head off and scratching my boobs (and nipples!) off. It is no fun for anyone and a bottle gets the job done as good as any boob. Even better in fact.
I've been puu-puu'd for giving my baby formula and ya know what? That's f'd up. What if I was a breast cancer survivor who had a double mastectomy that you didn't know about? Would you still judge me? And the fact of the matter is, I have a former preemie. It's a whole new ballgame raising a preemie. So unless you have miraculously transformed your own preemie from a bottle feeder (which all of them are in the NICU) to a 100% breastfeeder and have some fabulous tips to share, please keep the puu-puu'ing to yourself regarding how I feed my child.
And as R recently pointed out to me--many of us were bottle fed formula as babies and we turned out just fine. No worse for the wear. AND it's not like breast milk is 100% chemical and toxin free either. Ya know that diet coke you had at lunch? Your baby had some of that too next time you fed. So please don't judge me.
[2] I am looking forward to going back to work. Despite popular opinion, I need some time away from my little boy. And I shouldn't feel ashamed or bad about that. At the end of the day, I miss having adult conversations about something OTHER than feeding schedules, diapers, developmental changes, etc. While it's been *great* for me to have new moms to talk to about this stuff (because frankly no one else cares to hear about it and I don't blame them!), I need to talk about something else at least once a week, preferably once a day.
Most new moms I've talked to are dreading going back to work, saying that they are going to have *such* a hard time with it. I don't really feel that way. Maybe I will. But right now, I'm very much looking forward to getting out of the house every day with normal clothes on, makeup and a place I need to get to at a certain time. I'm looking forward to having lunch with friends in the City without having to worry about if E is fussing, when he last ate or if he's got a wet diaper. I'm looking forward to having a whole day using my brain and the $100,000 education we're still paying for. I'm looking forward to driving to client offices and being able to listen to music and not worry if it's drowning out my child's cries or if it's too loud for him.
Unlike some other new moms, I don't cry when I leave E to run errands, get a hair cut or have a night out with M. Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! It's natural for a new mom to be attached to their new little baby. Of course! But I'm just not that kind of mom. I absolutely adore E and feel so blessed that he's in our lives now. But I had a life before him and there are parts of that life I am looking forward to reclaiming.
These are the things I don't feel super comfortable talking to some of my new mom friends about. I get the feeling that they don't feel the same way. Or at least no one is admitting that they do. And that's a shame.
It reminds me of the lack of discourse on miscarriage that I experienced just a year ago. It seems like it's something that many women experience, but for some reason no one talks about it. Why not? It seems to me that it would be good for moms to know that other moms are experiencing the same thing. It's not all peaches and roses and we shouldn't have to pretend that it is. Being a new mom is HARD and sometimes saying "oh, it's worth it," doesn't make you feel better. It's true, but it doesn't make those *really* difficult days any better.
Anyways, since I said I'd be blogging no holds barred, thought I should put this out there. And hopefully remind myself that I don't have to strive to be super mom-super wife- superwoman.
Hmph . . . food for thought.
Monday, September 29, 2008
September round up
Life with E is good! We are definitely getting into a rhythm of feed, sleep, change and change again. I'm now able to work out with more consistency, with the great support of M who doesn't go to the gym so I can. I'm constantly amazed at what a wonderful Dad M is. I mean, I knew he'd be great, but I had no idea he'd be so intuitive and tuned-in to E. He's probably more tuned-in than I am in many ways. While I can tell when E is on the verge of spitting up or about to come off his latch, he has an uncanny sense of when E is still hungry (despite eating an insane amount of food and seeming to be sleepy). He knows exactly what will comfort E most of the time (there is always the time when E is inconsolable). He's just an amazing Dad. I love it, it's so sweet to witness.
Another positive effect E has had on our family is my relationship with my parents. We have seen them every single weekend for the past 4 weeks and will see them this weekend and then be spending a week in Hawaii with my mom. Amazingly we have all gotten along perfectly. They are turning out to be the perfect grandparents (so far). They come down and help with the mundane house stuff (laundry, dishes, running errands, bringing us food) so we can take care of E. They also love to take care of E whether it's feedings, preparing bottles, holding and comforting, changing diapers--they (mostly my mom to be accurate) do it all. They dont crowd us, they encourage us to leave the house so we can do stuff for ourselves and they do it all with no consequence. It's the most amazing transformation I've ever witnessed. I wouldn't even believe it if I wasn't living it!
On the calendar for October? M and I are going to Big Crush again this year, yeah! We are heading up the moment it opens this year to hopefully avoid the frat boys and girls who came and acted all crazy in the afternoon. And our babysitters? My parents of course. In fact my mom asked me if we wanted to go to Big Crush this year and they would babysit. They offered it before I even thought about asking them!
Then we are leaving for Oahu for a week with my Mom for a good friend's wedding. Granted, the wedding is over the weekend, but we are taking full advantage of the airline downtime (Oct and early Nov are slow for the airlines, so M got a whole week off no problem) and my maternity leave to enjoy a week away. Yay!
I do hope I can keep the blog more up to date... but of course if you're on phanfare, you can always see what we're up to there.
Monday, September 8, 2008
A big step forward
In addition to the WONDERFUL change in weather starting today (woo hoo!), we are experiencing another cool phenomenon in our house. E has finally started breastfeeding. After weeks of trying (and mostly failing), E finally took a turn in the right direction. It's like he woke up yesterday and just got it. Amazing! At a family birthday party yesterday (in private of course), he did an entire feeding from me with no bottle supplement. If you don't have experience with babies or have had a newborn who took to the breast soon after delivery, this is a *very* big deal. It's extremely frustrating to keep trying to get E to latch and stay on and continually watch him be unable to do so and get very very upset. I started to feel like he was never going to get it and that we had missed our opportunity to get him on the boob. It's also exhausting doing the "triple feed" (breast attempt, bottle feed, pump for the next feed) 7-9 times a day. Seriously.
For the past two days, E has been so cooperative and is doing so great! I'm so thrilled and feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me. Now I can leave the house with a bit more freedom and not have to be so concerned about how long we are gone.
Another interesting factoid: This Friday marks the day E was supposed to be due. Wierd! I cant believe he's been in our lives (outside the womb) for 5 weeks now, soon to be 6. Wow.
The other good news? I'll officially be 6 weeks soon and can officially start working out. But I must admit I've not stuck to the doc's advice. I have been walking 3-ish miles per day (as many days per week as I can) and have started integrated a slow jog into the mileage. This week I'm going to try spin and maybe yoga in addition to my run/walks. So I'm not exactly sticking to the plan. But next week I'm starting my whole new workout regime and am totally looking forward to it! (and hoping to see some results). woo hoo!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I love Fall . . . so where are you Fall? And of course, life with baby E
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
3 1/2 weeks already?!
I must say, when you have a newborn, you become astutely aware of choices. For example, when E is falling asleep after a feeding, I am thinking "ok, what do I have time for and what do I want to do--sleep, eat or get a chore done?" More often than not, sleep wins. Especially when M is gone for work and I'm on full-time duty by myself for 24 hours. It's tough getting up every 2-2 1/2 hours to feed E! Throw in a breast attempt every other feeding (trying to get him to take the breast), a diaper change and 20 minutes of pumping time (plus equipment clean up each and every time) and I'm left with roughly 1 hour or so. Anything after that, I'm playing with fire. If I leave the house without having pumped, E will be eating formula at the next feed. And god forbid I leave the house without any food, well then, I'm just asking for punishment. It's not like those lucky moms whose babies are [1] full term and [2] can take to the breast immediately. I dont have the option of throwing a boob at him when we're out. I've gotta either have my hand pump and the foresight to pump ferociously before he starts wailing or have some formula on me. Needless to say, we have learned that lesson!
But all in all, we are doing great. It defintiely takes some adjusting to get used to a new person in your life and making the necessary changes to accomodate him. He needs us! Plus, we have to account for at least an hour a day of just staring at him when he's sleeping. :-) He's our little peanut!
Other observations:
People LOVE babies! Every time we've been out in public with him, women will stop us and want to see him. Aww him and ask how old he is. Tell us how precious it is to have a little baby (no doubt remembering that time in their lives as well). Getting knowing glances from moms and dads of how difficult it is to manuever around. Today we went to Costco and spent at least 10 minutes dicking around with the Baby Bjorn. Who the f** designed that thing? It's impossible to put it on and get the baby in it (without dropping your child) without a second pair of hands. Impossible!
People are nicer to you when you have a baby with you. I don't know why! But it's totally true.
People are incredibly generous when it comes to your baby. Today alone we've recieved a very generous sum of money as a gift to E (one in the form of a US Savings Bond and the other money from a relative). E's grandmother is setting up a CD or something for him. We've recieved baby gifts from friends and family all over the place! Even our housecleaner dropped by the house with some baby gifts. That was the show stopper--our housecleaner giving up baby gifts? WOW! That is seriously sweet. I've especially loved the folks who've made us meals and brought food. That is a gift that keeps on giving because I can get more sleep, get other stuff done, pump more, etc.
Finally, here are some recent shots of E:
Dad holding E fresh after a bath. Spiky hair!
E's first bath
Tummy time with Guinness
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Has a week already gone by?
I should post a pic of what these hives look like, because they are vicious. First it was just on my stomach/trunk area and boobs (perfect for nursing and pumping, btw). But it has since travelled to my ears, face, back, legs, hands and arms (among other places that shall remain nameless). Luckily, I am so busy with all the other stuff that I don't have time to think about how itchy I am. I just try to remember to take my Benadryl and have my benadryl spray and cortisone cream with me at all times. UGH.
In other news: Elliott is coming home TOMORROW-YAY! We are both so relieved and excited (and a bit nervous) for him to come home. In many ways it will be much easier to deal with all of this craziness at home, not having to drive back and forth to the hospital. Although we are SO glad Elliott is here now and doing so well, I wouldn't wish a preemie on anyone. It's unbelievably draining, both emotionally and physically, and it definitely won't be less worrisome when we go home. My good friend who had twins at about 35 weeks understands completely what this is all about--so it was great to talk to her about it. Having a preemie is whole other experience than having a full termer. Nevertheless, I am glad we are almost done at the hospital! I can't wait to get into a normal routine with him and integrating him into our new life.
Finally, congratulations to our good friends W&J who just welcomed their own baby boy into the world on Aug 13th! We are so happy for them and are looking forward to having the boys meet each other soon.
Cheers! Have a great weekend!
Monday, August 11, 2008
I should be napping, but I'm not . . .
Elliott is doing great! He's gained 25g for the last two days, after a record 40g in one day. He now weighs more than he did at birth, so he's on his way/ He's continuing to eat well, do his business and not have any apnea episodes. We'll do the car seat test later in the week (they put him in the car seat for an hour to make sure he continues to breath normally), M and I will watch a CPR video and one other thing E must do (it escapes me at the moment) to go home.
M also went back to work today, so I am on my own until Friday. I made a huge list of to-do's now that I am *supposed* to have more time on my hands. Uh, not so much. I find myself still running frantically from home to hospital after Elliott's lunch feeding, then falling asleep with him on my chest in the nursery. So apparently my to-do list will take some more time to get through than I originally anticipated.
One thing I can't do, which I'd love to, is work out! So far not much of the baby weight has "fallen" off as others have told me it would. Just a mere 9 lbs. So I'd love to be able to work out for that reason as well as the fact that my muscles are atrophying each day I'm not doing much. Ick.
Ahh, c'est la vie for now. I'm looking forward to Elliott coming home so we can take nice long walks as a little family.
I am happy to report, however, that I am back to enjoying wine!! Definitely not as much, since I can only drink right after I pump and not too close to the next pump session (every 3 hours). But I am very happy about that!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Houston, we have a name!
Then yesterday the birth certificate people came hunting us down. Apparently there is some state law that your child must have a name after 5 days. Oops. We managed to avoid her for another day between our time in the nursery, naps (when we have a 'do not disturb' sign on our door) and our hour or so away from the hospital. But she finally caught up with us yesterday, so the time crunch was on.
Anywhoo, we decided on Elliott and so far, everyone is loving it. Which is great, but of course no one is going to tell you the name you selected stinks. Nor would we care.
As for other updates: Elliott gained 20 grams in the last day, which is great! Almost an ounce. So he'll be back to his birthweight soon. Overall, showing consistent weight gain is a good thing, so we're very happy about that. And he had an awesome day today, feedings-wise. He LOVES feedings with Daddy. In fact, I think he's a better eater with M than he is with me. M says it's because he's more aggressive than I am. I hate to force him to eat when it seems like he's done. But because he's a preemie, we have to make sure he's getting his 30-45mls per feedings. It's like the law. And M is very good about making sure he gets it all. Me? Not as good. When he gets really tuckered out after 30 mins, I have a hard time forcing the last 10mls on him. Plus he looks so freakin' cute when he falls asleep after a feeding.
And this is my life right now. :-) Friday night at the hospital, watching the Olympic opening ceremonies with M, pumping while I blog and looking forward to the next feeding with him at midnight.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Baby Dixon updates
We havent quite selected his name yet, we are constantly discussing it and hope to have it settled soon.
We aren't at home yet. He's still in the nursery and it looks like he'll be there for at least a week or more. Luckily, our hospital offers "maternity inn" which is basically a room we can stay in until he is discharged. So for now, we are staying at the hospital. We are definitely looking forward to going home! It'll be great to sleep (or nap, really) in our own bed and have him at home finally.
Ok, must run for now! Cheers!
Baby boy Dixon has arrived!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
He's coming soon, o mi god!
o mi god. I dont even know what to think now. I have just got into a groove of being here in the hospital. And around 5pm my ob walked in and said "we're going to induce you tomorrow."
holy shit. that's all I can say right now..... O MI GOD.
Update from the hospital
Ever since Wednesday morning, I've been asking every shift of nurses if I can have a quick shower to wash my hair. My primary ob said no... but every time a new shift comes on, I nicely plead my case and see if the on-call ob will let me. And this morning, my new cool am shift nurse said she'd ask my on call ob (who is also a practitioner in my ob practice) if I could and *finally* I got the yes!
I cant even tell you how nice it was to wash, shave, shower, put on clean clothes and get in a clean bed. Granted, it was all in a matter of 10 minutes and my feet were back to swollen afterwards. But it was more than worth it.
The other update is the POA (if anyone watches Design Star on HGTV, then you know this is Mikey V's favorite catch phrase--Plan of Action). Long story short is that I'm on 2 shots of steroids (every 24 hrs) to quickly help develop our baby's lungs, as lung maturity is the biggest concern now that he'll be a preemie. After the 2nd shot this afternoon, within 24-48 hours I'll be induced. So by Friday afternoon I may be starting labor according to the current plan.
Clearly this isn't the POA M and I had in mind a couple weeks ago when I thought we'd be able to avoid drug intervention. We are so in unchartered territory right now--I am going even earlier than my good friend who had twins a couple months ago. So the drug part is mostly out of my control unfortunately. I will be given Pitocin to induce labor and because the contractions are so much more painful and strong on Pit, I will likely have to get some sort of pain medication. I was bummed to hear that my hospital doesn't offer walking epidurals. So my choice will be flat on my back epidural or some other narcotic that's got a shorter life cycle and is basically less effective (Fentinol?). I'll see how things go I guess!
For now, M and I are just hanging in the room here. We're as comfortable as we can be--have snacks, computers, clothes, cameras and video cameras. I get my three meals a day (although lunch yesterday was a no-go, I asked M to bring me a salad instead). In fact, last night M and his buddy saw people bringing in boxes of pizza---hmm, that's a good idea too. We've recieved lovely flowers from concerned and thoughtful friends. And my other currently-pregnant friend and her husband came to visit us last night bearing candy, snacks, celebrity gossip rags and a birthing prep video--thank god! I signed up for our childbirth prep course, which was set for Aug 16 and 23, but clearly we aren't going to be making that. So we're doing the best we can with videos and on-the-job training once labor starts.
Looks like baby boy Dixon is making his appearance much in the same way his parents have lived their married lives--on the fly and never knowing quite when he's going to get here.
Cheers! Stay tuned. . .
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
In case you hadn't already heard . . .
Right now all is well. M and I are trying not to think about any bad things that could happen to him once he's here. We are hoping and sending good vibes to him that he's healthy, at a good weight (he's roughly 5 or so lbs now) and can breathe on his own or with little help so he can stay at the hospital with me. If he has to be intubated, he will have to get transferred to CPMC in SF, which would suck.
There is a high likelihood that he will be in the NICU for a couple weeks until he gets to 36 weeks. But if he's anything like his dad, who was a super-sick preemie, he will be a fighter and prove everyone how amazing he can be and go home with us.
So for now, all is ok here. I am having small contractions but I dont feel them yet and I'm not progressing, which is good. The longer he cooks inside, the better. The only bummer is that hospital food is like airplane food...ick. So M is going to make a grocery run today and get some actually-ripe fruit and food stuff for us both.
Thanks to G&M for the gorgeous flowers!! They smell so good and were such a beautiful surprise. Thanks to all of our amazing friends for your support, well wishes and early congrats. Hopefully we will be able to send/post pics by early next week!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Report from Week 33 1/2: It's gettin' hot in herre
Anywhoo--it's hot. it's damn hot. real hot in week 33 and i suspect it's only going to get worse. This weekend M and I went up to Sacramento for the baby shower hosted by my mom. It was something like 104 degrees on Saturday and we opened presents outside. At first it didn't seem so bad--my parents installed misters on the patio and we were blissfully misted for awhile. Then the sun moved, shade moved and I was sitting in a puddle of my own sweat. I literally had a sweat rag to wipe down between presents.
That's not just because it was 100+ degrees though. I was sweating indoors with the AC running, exerting no energy whatsoever. And my feet and hands were swollen to all get up as well.
M was complaining that I kept the AC in the car too cold, said his feet were freezing. Too bad buddy. I'm fucking hot and since M forgot his driver's license, I was the PIC. That means I control the AC. (PIC=pilot in command)
I hear this is normal. That does not make me feel better.
Please, please please let there be NO MORE HEAT WAVES in the Bay Area. I may not make it unscathed. I will blow up like a hot dog in a microwave that suddenly bursts.
On another note: The shower was a blast besides all the sweating. I'm looking forward to the Bay Area baby shower this weekend, which will undoubtedly be cooler and will involve more alcohol for my wine-lovin' friends :-)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Baby boy D is doing great

Friday, July 18, 2008
32 weeks!
After my 32-week appointment next week, I'll have to go in weekly for non-stress tests, which I didn't even know were going to be required when they told me at 17 weeks that I had a *slightly* elevated HcG. (so slightly... 2.02 is my number, normal range is up to 2.0) Right now, my only concern with the weekly NSTs are the time consuming factor. I have to go to the hospital (not my dr's office) and get strapped up to a machine for up to an hour. I haven't found out if this is something I can do on a weekend... but hopefully they're not as restrictive as regular business hours.
Anywhoo. Other than that, all is well. Baby boy D is kicking, rolling, pushing, moving, shuddering, etc all the time.
Another interesting development: I recently watching this movie, The Business of Being Born, and I have to be honest, it has seriously changed my mind about how I want to give birth. At least given me some serious food for thought. One of the best lines in the film, "most people do more research on buying a car, a phone, a stereo, than they do on their options for giving birth." Um yeah. Guilty as charged. In fact, the day I saw the film, one of my things to do was "sign up for birthing class," and I was just going to do the one the hospital offered. I mean, they know what they're doing right? uh...
So needless to say, I've been an information hound, reading and re-reading sections I probably glazed over in a book recommended by my midwife, Birthing From Within. Researching natural childbirth options, the possible help of a doula, formulating a list of questions for my dr at my next appointment and heavily researching childbirth prep classes that will educate M and I on pain coping mechanisms that will help me avoid begging for an eppy.
Don't get me wrong, I am reserving my right to cry for an epidural. We haven't gone all "home birth" (not that there is anything wrong with that, in fact M is up for it) and are not anti-hospital. I'm not agro-granola now and moving to a commune to deliver. But I am planning to go into labor and delivery eyes wide open, armed with information and hoping to stand our ground on avoiding unnecessary intervention (M is my designated advocate in the event I go animalistic in labor, which I'm told is almost inevitable). I am also lucky that the ob/gyn practice I've chosen (by accident 8 years ago, who knew?!) firmly believes that midwives will attend your labor and deliver your baby if all is normal and that a doctor will be on call and come in only in the event that a medical emergency calls for it. I am also lucky that I love both of the midwives in my practice and feel 100% confident that they can deliver our son safe and sound.
I do think medicine has its place and can be immensely helpful and obviously necessary for some situations (like my D&C). But if I am lucky enough to have a "normal" labor, I'd like to have the use of my legs, which I won't be able to do if I have an epidural, to get into birthing positions that are conducive to actually giving birth. I'd like to be able to move around and not be stuck on my back in bed for hours trying to push from an unnatural (physiologically-wise) position. Basically, I'd like to be in control of my body as long as I can, and when it's no longer possible, I'd like my body and our baby to guide my labor and delivery--not drugs, an obstetrician's dinner plans or the snowball effect of routine medical intervention (pit, eppy, more pit to deal with the slow-down caused by an eppy, etc, etc).
Thankfully, M has been through the medical system before (many times) and feels as strongly, if not more, than I do about avoiding unnecessary medical intervention if possible. So I feel confident that he will step up and advocate for what we've discussed when the time comes.
Anywhoo.. just a taste of what's to come I guess!
Monday, July 14, 2008
The honeymoon is over my friends
A little less than 9 weeks to go and DAMN does that sound like a long time. I'm already dreaming about looking for an easy 5 or 10k to sign up for in Feb/March as my goal. (haven't decided if I'll push him with me or leave him with dad during the race). And maybe even a summer half marathon. I've already calculated in my head how much time it would reasonably take to lose the weight I've gained (and the few I had when I found out I was pregnant). And I've just started considering when I'll have the courage to drag my fancy jeans out of the garage and attempt to put them on for the first time. (the jeans I bought in Vancouver just 2 days before I found out I was pregnant!)
Things I am looking forward to are: sushi, wine, a diet (believe it or not) that doesn't include milk & ovaltine almost every day and probably about 80% less cereal than I'm currently consuming. I'm looking forward to SLEEPING ON MY STOMACH!! Not having my breasts shoved up by my engorged belly, seeing my bikini line (no matter how chubby it may be), tying my shoes with my feet right in front of me (rather than sitting with ankle on opposite knee and tying the laces on the sides). Not having to grasp the headboard to pull myself out of bed 6 times a night to pee. Giving two shits about picking something up off the ground that fell or I dropped (rather than waiting till M is around to ask him to do it).
There are so many other things... of course, most of all I am looking forward to meeting our little baby boy... to see his little face after wondering what he's going to look like, be like, etc all these months.
But, I will be *very* happy to be one single person again rather than a walking (or more accurately, waddling) incubator.
Friday, July 11, 2008
TGIF for more reasons than one!
Second, yay! It's friday which means I dont have to feel bad about being lazy for 3 more days. Although this weekend is socially much more busy than the last two weekends, I still want to sleep in and hang out with M and be lazy.
Speaking of being lazy... geez, I have totally fallen off the motivation train for work. I just don't give a crap these days about inane little things I should be doing. And I should care because any work I put in now will help (possibly) ensure that my commission come year-end will be better. But it's hard to search the well for motivation when the well is close to dry.
I find myself looking forward to maternity leave more and more with each day. In fact, the other day I was contemplating what it would be like if I didn't have to go back to work at all. Would I be happy to be a stay at home mom only? (I know, I know, it's a full time job blah blah blah... I mean would I be happy doing no 'regular' job for a paycheck) If I could stay home, what would I do with myself in the down time (baby naps, whatever other down time there is when you are taking care of a child)? And would I continue to outsource some of the home jobs? (housecleaning)
On the other hand, I've been contemplating going back to work in another capacity, one that uses my legal background and experience more. Sometimes I feel like I actually miss practicing law to some extent. I miss the vigor of searching for an answer to a client's question and finding it. I miss the sometimes-feeling that I'm doing something that matters to a client. Much of that value and intellectual drive is missing in my current job (not to mention that I'm not paid nearly what I believe I'm worth). But on the flip side, do I want to give up working from home 100% of the time and managing my own schedule? Do I want to have to put my baby in day care full time (no!)?
So, I'm definitely waffling on this whole work thing. But realistically, at the end of the day, I have to go back to some kind of work around the end of this year/January 2009 because we's all gotz bills to pay. But sometimes I wonder... if M upgraded to Captain before my leave was up and I had the option to stay home, would I? And if I didn't, would I go back to my current job or try to find something that [1] continues to let me work from home most of the time or [2] allows me to use my legal background/experience more OR ideally [3] BOTH!
Huh . . . dunno.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
9 1/2 weeks: So short but so long
But then I think, "man, he's due in September and it's only JULY." And it's been a hot June and July (for the most part). I still have to make it through the rest of this month and all of August and then part of September as well (unless he decides to come early). When I think about that, it seems so long.
So it makes sense to me why I'm caring less about going to my firms for standing appointments (when I may or may not have a meeting with a client, it's a walk-in basis) and why I'm not being as hard core about forcing myself to go to the gym if I'm hot and/or tired. Indeed, I am gaining more weight than I wanted to. But who ever wants to gain this much weight in this short of time? Besides, at this point, all I can really do is try to stave off any surplus gain, which is just a few pounds. Meh. I'd rather go balls to the wall after he's born than deny myself the comforts of cold foods right now (decaf iced latte, lemonade, yogurt, milk w/Ovaltine), especially since I can't chill with a nice glass of Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc or even an iced cold beer to help beat the heat. :-)
Here's to hoping that July and August fly by! I can deal with 10 days or 2 weeks of serious discomfort in September as long as I'm not working. But trying to drag me, baby and all my crap around the City through July and August for work, especially in this heat, is something I WILL NOT miss in the least!
Stay cool this week everyone! Enjoy a nice glass of wine or a cold beer for me please!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Sure, we could drive up to Sac-town and visit the folks, see some fireworks, eat some BBQ. But I just hung out with my mom all last weekend, which was totally fine and a good time.... not to mention that I don't really want to spend $100 on gas driving there and back just to say we did something on 4th of July. Then there's fireworks options locally, but anyone who lives here knows that fireworks in the City, and quite possibly in Pacifica, are just going to create brightly lit fog. Meh. So, I don't even know if we'll end up watching fireworks tomorrow unless they are outside our house. (which, like BT is experiencing, is quite possible given our neighborhood's love of cohetes).
I wouldn't say I'm feeling particularly unpatriotic... but it does seem a little odd not to even be bothered to think about celebrating our national holiday. Seriously, the only thing I have planned is to sleep in, go work out and see if M feels like cleaning out the garage this weekend. (hey, he's been seriously motivated for some DIY projects 'round the house lately, so it's totally possible he'd be up for it)
Maybe we'll go get a burger or something. That seems in keeping with the 4th of July spirit.
Happy 4th everyone!
Monday, June 30, 2008
29 1/2 weeks and counting . . .



Some other interesting tidbits on his development thus far:
Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk (or find another good source of calcium, such as cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day. Courtesy of babycenter.com
Well, that explains my insatiable appetite for cereal (we currently have 6 boxes on top o' the fridge), milk with Ovaltine (1 gallon of milk in 4 days?!) as well as yogurt, cottage cheese and regular old cheddar cheese. Should I just buy a cow and get it over with?
Weekend roundup in pictures

M repainting the glider chair (my mom is making new cushions):

While we bought a new dresser for the baby's room, after putting it together (for 3 hours!), we decided that the color was wrong and gave him our dresser instead. The dresser we bought is actually part of the set that goes with our bedroom furniture, so we switched with him. Which actually saved us from having to refinish/restain the crib, so double yay!


Our zuccini plants are going wild! This particular plant has 5 or 6 new baby zuccinis growing on it. We already ate the first of the fruit off of this one-yum!
One of our Early Girl plants going crazy!
One of our Brandywine plants, actually bearing fruit! My mom says that hierlooms are hit or miss, so if you're lucky to get a plant that bears fruit in a season, you're doing well. Yeah! That also explains why none of our heirlooms did well last year. Although not exactly explaining why none of our hybrids did particularly well either.... Hm.
This is our formerly sick tomato plant that we just transplanted this weekend into a bigger pot with lots and lots of new soil. Grow baby grow!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Truths about pregnancy
If only you'd known you were going to trade...
• Monthly PMS for nine months of weeping
• Lacy thongs for cotton tents
• Sex for gas
• Zinfandel for Ovaltine
• Birth control for laxatives
• Going to the gym for getting up to pee
• Your waist for a hot-air balloon
• Kickboxing for kick counts
• Your innie for an outie — a way-outie
• Sleeping for groaning
• Freedom for the most intense love you've ever known*
*this one I'll have to wait to find out, but from all current reports, it's absolutely true. Every cliche about being a new parent (I've been told) is more than true. (if that's even possible). Stay tuned.
Happy Saturday! We're off to work on the nursery--building furniture, restaining the crib, painting the gliding chair, etc etc etc. Woo hoo!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A new high, low . . .or wherever the baby is at the moment
I am beginning to think of new milestones now that I'm in the third trimester. For instance:
- 30 weeks--because then I can assume/hope that I only have 10 weeks left. Plus, it's an even number; and like I said at the beginning of this journey, I like even numbers.
- 32 weeks--because that's the next time we get to see our little guy in an ultrasound.
- 35 weeks--because it's kind of an even number AND it means I only have (hopefully) 5 weeks left.
- 38 weeks because then he's no longer "premature" in the dangerous sense.
So, I have a week and a half to go until my next milestone--30 weeks. Woo hoo!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Week 28: The last trimester is here!
I am now in my 28th week, it's official! I am coming in on the home stretch. YAY! I must admit, I haven't hated being pregnant and by no means has this been totally unpleasant. In fact, since he started moving around 21 weeks, it's been pretty cool to feel him all the time.
But, I am looking forward to getting my body back. Since about week 20 I've been fine with the weight gain and looking chunky. I'm not totally at ease with the fat thighs part, as I'd been hoping and trying to keep my arms and legs looking reasonable with regular workouts. (that didn't exactly work out for me even though I have been working out). But overall, it's been fine. M doesn't seem to mind my weight gain, in fact he's still telling me I'm beautiful. He must be one of those guys who finds pregnancy sexy or something... he sure acts like it. And for that I'm eternally grateful!
And while I do realize there will be a few more months after he's born that I'm not totally back to my normal (or even close to it) weight, I am looking forward to being able to work on it it more. Right now, even if I don't want to, I drink milk, eat potatoes, lots of fiber, etc and whatever I injest seems to be making it's way to my hips, butt and thighs.
In fact, this morning I was looking for a picture to send to a friend who is making a bridal scrapbook for another friend and came across many many pictures that made me feel nostalgic about how I used to look. Even just 7 months ago when I thought I needed to lose a few pounds before the holidays. I can't wait to have my face look less chubby, get my thighs back to a reasonable size and look at my quads and not think, "damn, those weren't that big before!"

The blogging committment
I do have a few things to update on. . .
Monday, June 9, 2008
Lessons learned in month 6
I am told by my friend who is currently at 40 weeks that I should hope and pray our son wants to come at 38/39 weeks because the last two weeks are hell. (and she's had a perfect pregnancy). Thus lesson #2:
[2] I have decided that I will be going out on leave starting Tuesday, Sept 2nd on the wise advice of aforementioned currently pregnant friend. I want the last two weeks to be free of the politics and antics of work as well as the worries of work. I can already feel myself caring less and less as the weeks go by... so I know I will not care in the least at the beginning of September.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Reflections from the Lake
Yesterday I went on a walk with a very good friend and we just talked and talked, catching up after what seems like a long time. We both couldn't help but be awed by the amazing views of the Lake. I couldn't stop saying "I've forgotten how beautiful the Lake is, it's been so long!" And it really has. It's been at least 10 or so years since M or I have been up here at all and at least 15 or 16 since I've been here in the summer. WOW. The Lake is just so.... blue, the most amazing deep blue. So clear, so majestic, so awesome set against the snow-capped mountains. It's literally a divine place if one could ever be imagined and created.
After a walk with my friend, a shorter walk along the lake shore with M and attending the wedding on the Lake's shore, I've given pause to think, for one of the few times in my life, particularly as of late.
I am so lucky that my husband is my best friend. We were at the wedding, laughing and watching all of the people dance, drink and have a good time and although I couldn't partake in much more than sitting at our very fun table, I was so glad to be there. I saw old couples ripping up the dance floor while at the same time laughing at each other and themselves, just having a grand time. I saw young couples expecting their first and second babies seriously in love. Of course the bride and groom, who are one of those couples I think "wow, they are really going to make it." And I saw all of their family members gather round and create the most loving and supportive environment for their most recent family additions and the budding couple. All of this with Lake Tahoe in the backdrop.
I looked around and saw those young couples in love and some seriously making out at their tables and then I saw what M and I must look like to them: sitting at our table absolutely crying with laughter, holding hands and in our own world too, and thought, this is so cool. Sure, M and I are not in this place where we are making out in public anymore. We are so much farther along on our path. We have been together for 15 years but we are still in love. M is so in love with his son that it makes my heart ache. He still (crazily enough) thinks I am beautiful even though I've gained 20 lbs of baby weight right now. And he knows me well enough to know that I need to hear all of that right now. So yes, M is my best friend, the best husband I could ever ask for and like the officiant at the wedding said yesterday, he makes me remember why we said those vows and how true they stand today (almost) 8 years later.
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that we've been together for almost 15 years. But last night at the reception we kept talking to people from high school (the groom has kept insanely close with his high school and college friends), most of whom were in different crowds from BT and I during high school, and M kept remembering some of them. He's been around that long! This one ran track with him, this one he played some other sport with, that one was a friend of a friend. One of the last guys we talked to, another fly boy (pilot), told M "yeah, you do look familiar!" after hearing that we had been together since high school. One of the groom's friends from childhood went to high school with M (and as it turns out, also went to U of O with M and the groom, duh). And at one of the two tables full of the groom's college buddies (University of Oregon, where M also went to college) there was a girl that lived across the dorm from M. It was insane and fun all at the same time.
I know it must have been a weekend of serious reflection and some difficult reflection for some people. Something about weddings and definitely something about Lake Tahoe does that. I, for one, will remember this weekend, one of the final getaways before our son is born, as one where I became solid and comfortable in the knowledge that M will be a great dad and continue to be a great husband. Not for a second did I ever doubt that before, but something clicked in me this weekend and I knew he is ready and has been for quite some time.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Stanley Cup games always make me cry
And tonight is no exception. Pittsburgh has done an amazing job this series, not to mention Crosby being such a baby player (ok, kind of, but compared to the vets on the ice tonight, yes) and it just made me so sad to watch the last few minutes of the game thinking and hoping (even to the last 1.8 seconds when the puck passed right through the goal) that Pittsburgh might tie it up and go into overtime again.
M and I feel the same about institutions like Detroit. And the Lakers. And USC. We always root for the other team. For some reason it feels like they deserve it so much more simply because they haven't won it as much or as many times as those institutions.
I'm not even one for pro sports (with the exception of hockey), but it will be interesting to see what happens between the Lakers and the Celtics. Of course I am rooting for the Celtics. Mainly because I cant stand Kobe. But for the same reason I want all underdogs to win--because it's only fair dammit!
Watching the Red Wings players each take their turn on the ice with the cup (which they do deserve to be fair), I couldn't help but think of how each of the Penguins must feel thinking, "fuck, that could have been us."
To you Pittsburgh I say "Cheers and well done. Have many beers tonight to celebrate your accomplishment."
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
bye bye! see ya in a few months (i hope)
It's true, it is crazy. I (normally) have a very deep bellybutton. And now the tan insides of my bellybutton (which also prove that I'm not insane and that I was tanner when I was younger) are coming out into the wide wide world and leveling out.
Tonight, while on the phone with BT, I instinctively felt my belly button and momentarily freaked out, thinking it was completely gone. Alas, it's still slightly inward. But in preparation for the inevitable, I say to you belly button "bye! have a good vacation and I look forward to seeing you when you get back."
Monday, June 2, 2008
Love the One You're With
I think her background is also the reason why this story is so engaging. The husband is from a very visible family in Atlanta (much like BT's hubby) and is an attorney, the wife is a photographer. It's basically a journey that a lot of newlywed couples take and make and how she survives it on her own (and in her marriage).
I finished reading this one camping a couple weekends ago and it was a perfect read for a long weekend.
25 weeks: The good, the bad and the ug-leey!
I've finally taken a second to snap a couple belly shots and shots of the nursery (by request). So enjoy those.... 25 week belly shots:


I told M that I don't really feel much of a change. But then he reminded me of this shot at 19 weeks (when we last took a picture):

So yeah... I guess I have gotten bigger. Which is good. I can't even tell you how many times I've been told "o mi god! you're so small for XXth month!" I'm 6 months now and I am by far the smallest bump of any of my currently pregnant (or just gave birth) friends. But at my last appointment, I was assured that baby D's growth is normal and he's doing just fine, so for now I'm counting myself lucky.
The bad? Well it kinda goes hand-in-hand with the ugly which all came to a head this weekend. For weeks now I've been having heartburn. It doesn't matter what I eat, if I eat at all. If I drink a huge amount of water, that fills up my stomach and gives me heartburn too. So I've learned to cope by eating and drinking smaller amounts of food at more frequent intervals and popping antacids whenever the heartburn becomes more than uncomfortable (which is a lot).
That was working for quite awhile until Sunday morning. Did anyone know that antacids can cause constipation? Lesson learned!
The scene? My folks are in town for a Parent's Weekend celebration (mother and father's day combined since we are unable to celebrate on either of the prescribed weekends). After a lovely dinner Saturday night (homemade pasta noodles with a light veggie/garlic/olive oil) and wine for those who could partake, we decided to do breakfast at one of our favorite spots, Hobee's. We sit down to order and just after we order, I excuse myself for the restroom.
9:15am: After trying to go for about 20 minutes (my mom came to check up on me), I started to break out in a full body sweat and my abdominal area is in pain. I cannot go! This has never happened to me before (in life or during pregnancy), so I'm not sure what to do. But after stripping off my sweatshirt and still unable to stop sweating (or go), I decide I need an exit strategy. So I go to the table and tell my folks that I need to go home NOW and Ryan will come back to get them. We rush out of the restaurant, and on my way out I tell my folks, "If you need to use the restroom, you better go here because I'm gonna be in there a LONG time!"
10 am: I am at home trying to go. M is (so sweet) setting me up in the bathroom for every possible need: water? check. book? check. cell phone, blackberry and home phone? check. vitamin water? check. And before he goes back to get my parents, he makes certain I am ok. Given my level of discomfort, I am doing the best I can. So he's off.
10:15: I decide that I'm going to give it 15 more minutes before I start the epsom salt bath (supposed to help with constipation). Still nothing. And SO painful.
10:30: I get in the tub and try to sit comfortably for about an hour. M gets back and checks on me. Still no change. I'm in pain and I can't go!!
11:30: Still no change. I've been in and out of the tub twice now and trying. Nothing's happening. But in the meantime, M has picked me up some laxative pills so I take those.
11:49: I throw up the pills, the metamucil crackers I just ate and about a gallon of water I've been chugging. And I meekly beg for M to call the advice nurse at my ob-gyn office to find out what we should do now.
For awhile, I am status quo. They say there's nothing to do except try fibrous foods, water, laxative pills. Enema being the last resort if nothing happens by tonight. UGH. But as I'm sending M to the store for more fibrous-specific foods (advised by my midwife-nurse), I try to pee. And I can't go. SHIT.
So I call the nurse advice line again and they call back saying that my ob-gyn wants me to go to the ER now. They need to know why I can't urinate and if it's dehydration, I need to get on an IV.
12:30: M rushes home from Safeway and picks me up and we head to the ER.
For some reason, time goes by SO SLOWWWLLYY at the ER. There are literally 3 patients there (including myself) and yet it takes the Dr. at least 20 minutes to come see me after I've been roomed and changed. Then another 20 minutes for him to wheel in the ultrasound machine (to make sure I'm making urine and the baby is ok). Then another 20 minutes for the nurse to come in and give me the enema. (Clearly this is the ugleeey part).
By 3:30pm I am discharged and on my way home feeling so. much. better. I can't even tell you how unbelievably uncomfortable that was. It wasn't "painful" in the traditional sense, but so much more than discomfort. I wish there was a word to describe it. Let's just say that I'll never take the ability to pee and "empty my colon" for granted EVAR again.
Now, more good (cuz that was groosss!). Pics of the nursery! Here is the dresser I refinished (painted and put new pulls on) We will be using this as a changing table (changing pad goes on top):

Here is the bookcase I painted (although I will be distressing it another weekend to make it not so bright). But you can also get a feel for the wall color, cute!

Here's the cute lamp set we got for his room too:

This weekend we also picked up my friend's glider (rocking chair) that we are going to refinish and re-do the cushions on. Rather, we are going to re-paint it (it's currently white and scratched up) dark brown like the rest of his furniture and my mom is going to make all-new custom cushions. Yeah!
Suprisingly, after all that business at the ER, I was able to go to the fabric store with my mom and look at fabrics for the chair, the curtains (we also hung curtain rods in his bedroom this Saturday) and for the blanket/bedskirt my mom is making. That's an additional bonus of having reconciled with my mom over the past two years and her being super handy. She knows how to refinish all kinds of furniture (she advised on how we should refinish the crib we are getting and the glider chair) AND she's a super good seamstress. And she's totally stoked about this baby and wants to make everything.
Here's a short list of what I already know she's making: custom curtains for his room, bedskirt/quilt and headboard pad, a bunch of recieving blankets in various weights for weather, a few slankets (she claims they are so easy to make, there's no sense in buying them), custom cushions for the glider chair, a custom terry-cloth cover for his changing pad (which goes on the brown dresser above). I think that's it. Oh, and a hand-made quilt with his name on it.Yay!
This kid is going to have so much stuff, it's ridiculous. But I love that most of it is repurposed (yay environment and saving money at the same time) and/or homemade.
So, there ya go. The good, the bad and the ugly. Even though I had a hell of a Sunday, I feel pretty happy with where we are and so happy the baby is doing so well! Kicking all the time and being a little showman (except when Daddy comes around to feel it. Then he quiets down for some reason)